
a list of demo websites for automatic music generation research

A list of demo websites for automatic music generation research

###interactive multi-track music composition

###interactive piano composition

###compose melody

###compose single-track polyphonic music

###compose multitrack music

###given chord, compose melody

###given lyrics, compose melody

###compose drum loops

###compose melody+chords (two tracks)

###given melody, compose arrangement

  • LeadsheetGAN: see above
  • LeadsheetVAE: see above
  • XiaoIce Band (the "multi-instrument co-arrangement model"): N/A

###given prime melody, compose melody+chords

###given prime melody, compose melody+chords+bass

###given piano score, compose an orchestration

###symbolic-domain genre style transfer

###symbolic-domain arrangement style transfer

###symbolic-domain rhythm style transfer

###given MIDI, generate human-like MIDI: Piano only

###given MIDI, generate human-like MIDI: Drum only

###given score, generate musical audio (performance): Not limited to Piano

###audio synthesis

###audio-domain music generation

###audio-domain singing synthesis

###audio-domain singing style transfer

###audio-domain singing correction

###audio-domain style transfer (general)