
Boilerplate with

  • Vue 3
  • Vite
  • Vuetify
  • MSW
  • Storybook

Project setup

Created with node version 16.8.1

yarn install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

yarn dev

Compiles and hot-reloads for development using msw for all api calls

yarn msw

Compiles and minifies for production

yarn build

Compiles and minifies for development

yarn build:development

Lints and fixes files

yarn lint

Storybook compile and hot-reload for development

yarn storybook

Storybook build

yarn build-storybook

Storybook test

yarn storybook
yarn test-storybook

Customize configuration

See Configuration Reference.


  • vue 3 (composition api)
  • typescript
  • vite
  • vue router
  • vuetify (beta)
    • base
    • scss variables
    • theming
  • validation
  • vuex
  • api
  • msw
  • i18n
  • env
  • modals
  • build
  • storybook
    • vite
    • mdx (class or className?)
    • story style
    • story structure
    • styling
    • vuetify
    • msw
    • router
    • i18n
    • vuex
    • authentication
    • play
    • testing
    • build
    • chromatic
  • linter
    • vue
    • stories
    • ts/tsx
    • msw
    • mdx
  • authentication
    • intercept calls
    • refresh token
    • route guard / forward
  • basic structure
    • assets
      • styling
        • sass structure
        • priority
        • route transitions
        • skeleton loaders (not present in vuetify beta)
    • components
      • Header
      • Footer
      • Image loader
      • User (example component)
    • models
    • router
      • base
      • guard
      • lazy load
    • store
    • views
      • app
      • login page
      • home page
      • 404 page
  • SEO


  • App
    • Login (Calls api with msw and forwards to home)
    • Main
      • Home
      • Users (Calls api with msw and loads a user list)
  • Storybook
    • Style guide
    • Components
    • Pages
    • Flows (Uses play for e2e tests)


  • Set up tsconfig and eslint so it works with vue, storybook and msw
  • Vuetify is still in beta so the configuration isn't complete yet
  • Vuetify components have to be imported in _storybook/preview.tsx