
Yandex Cloud Functions example: work with Managed PostgreSQL

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Yandex Cloud Functions : Working with DB

Build package

Small example which shows how to bundle NodeJS dependencies and connect to PostgreSQL database.

To build deployment package (dist.zip):

$ make

or, if you prefer to use npm:

$ npm run build

Create PostgreSQL database

Before we start deploying, we need to create PostgreSQL database and obtain it's connection parameters. Easiest way is to use web-console.

Don't forget:

  • make your database available using public IP address;
  • use strong passwords.

Deploy function

To deploy your function:

$ yc serverless function create --name pgconn
$ yc serverless function version create   \
      --function-name pgconn              \
      --runtime nodejs12                  \
      --entrypoint index.handler          \
      --memory 128M                       \
      --execution-timeout 1s              \
      --source-path dist.zip              \
      --environment PGHOST=X.X.X.X        \
      --environment PGPORT=XXXX           \
      --environment PGUSER=xxx-username   \
      --environment PGPASSWORD=xxx-passw  \
      --environment PGDATABASE=xxx-dbname

Used environment variables:

  • PGHOST – IP Address;
  • PGPORT – Database Port;
  • PGDATABASE – Database Name;
  • PGUSER – Database Username;
  • PGPASSWORD – Database Password.

Test it

$ yc serverless function invoke --name pgconn