
Yandex Cloud Functions - boto3 example

Primary LanguagePython

Yandex.Cloud Serverless Functions : Boto3

Small example which shows how to use boto3 to access Yandex Object Storage.


  • docker
  • make
  • zip

To build deployment package:

make all

Deployment package is 7Mb+, so we need to use Object Storage to deploy it (at least for the first time).

  • create storage bucket in your folder;
  • upload dist.zip using web console or any S3 compatible client;

In this example we will use bgleb-dev as such bucket.

Also you need to have Service Account and access keys to access Object Storage. It could be created using web console or with yc (don't forget to write down your access key and secret key):

yc iam service-account create --name function-sa
yc iam access-key create --service-account-name function-sa
yc resource-manager folder add-access-binding <Folder-Name> \
    --subject serviceAccount:<ServiceAccount-ID> --role editor

To deploy Function with this package:

yc serverless function create --name boto
yc serverless function version create       \
    --function-name boto                    \
    --runtime python37                      \
    --entrypoint main.handler               \
    --memory 128M                           \
    --execution-timeout 1s                  \
    --package-bucket-name bgleb-dev         \
    --package-object-name dist.zip          \
    --environment STORAGE_BUCKET=my-bucket  \
    --environment AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=XXX     \
    --environment AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=XXX

Test it:

yc serverless function invoke --name boto

Get your own invocation URL using:

yc serverless function get --name boto

Don't forget to allow unauthorized function invocation

Documentation: https://cloud.yandex.ru/docs/serverless-functions/