VMware Korea study group for Modern application


VMware Korea study group for Modern application

본 문서는 개인적 스터디용이며, 모든 내용은 아래 링크들로부터 발췌하였습니다.

Members and Personal Goal

Overall Goal

CI/CD pipeline을 전체 구성을 한번 해보고 그다음 각 부분 딥다이브

  • Steven Lim

My goal is to develop an understanding of the entire DevOps process and experience simple deployment and hands-on with popular tools at each phase of DevOps.

  • Yoon Hwan Cho

My goal is...

  • Hyejin Yoon

My goal is...

  • Hong Seok Kang

My goal is to re-cap the concept of container and k8s architecture and to understand modern app architecture and whole workflow then can find how to advise modern app offering to a customer/partner.

0. Pre-requisites

  • Install the Git and VS Code in your laptop.

1. Ground rule

  • Rule 1
  • Rule 2
  • Rule 3

2. Sessions

no Topic Status Date
1 Container & App architecture Story Done 2022-05-27
2 CI/CD Pipeline overview and setup the TAP On-track 2022-06-09

3. Future topic candidate -> 다루었으면 하는 주제가 있으면 알려주세요.

  • container
  • k8s
  • MSA
  • CI/CD pipeline

4. References