
Shell script for converting videos to gifs

Primary LanguageShell


A simple shell script I wrote to learn more about creating command line tools. It works by converting the video to images using ffmpeg and then converting those images into an animated gif with imagemagick.

Of course you could always do it in a oneliner:

ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -vf scale=600:-1 -r 5 -f image2pipe -vcodec ppm - | convert - gif:- | convert -layers Optimize - output.gif

But then you miss out on

  • Dependency checking
  • Usage and help information
  • Nice error notifications

Getting Started

    vidtogif [-r <integer> -w <integer> -h <integer> -u -v] input.mp4 output.gif

    -r: Framerate per second <integer>
    -w: Set max width <integer>
    -h: Set max height <integer>
    -u: Print usage information
    -v: Version

    Example: vidtogif -r 10 -w 600 input.mp4 output.gif

Here's an example of a gif created with vidtogif:

gif of me making vidtogif