- Fix users position normalization
- Abstract position normalization
- Add room joining modal
- Rewrite to svelte
- Add all users view
- Generate random nicknames to users
- Better user's cursor view
- Split App.vue to modules
- Switch protocol to grpc
- Optimise everything with throttling
- Split global utilities and types to packages
- Add mobx stores or raw rxjs stores
- Beautify controls
- Fix rx unsubscribe on mount
- Consider using WebRTC
- Support HighDPI
- Add react, svelte and angular uis
- Make api return promises
- Add phone gyroscope drawing
- Refactor contexts to typed
- Fix code input bugs
- Think about storing all fibers on client
- Consider fuzzy rendering when too many fibers
- Add chat
- Refactor stores returning subjects
- Better zooming behavior and triggers
- Add eraser