
Python script that copies files from one place to an other

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Python script that copies files from one place to an other


I use tox to run my tests, but also to build the documentation and the coverage report.

So why not having tox also copy the documentation and the report somewhere?

Here it comes little_deploy


usage: little_deploy [-h] [-c CONFIG_FILE] project type deploy_from

Deploy the documentation or coverage report to some directory, removing first
the content of the said direcretory. The target directory for the deployment
must be given in the ``type`` option of the ``[name]`` section of the
``~/.config/tox_deploy.cfg`` configuration file. If the file, section or
option do not exist, the deployment is aborted

positional arguments:
project               Name of the project. It can be replaced in the target
                        directory using the {project} placeholder (without the
                        trailing ``$``).
type                  Type of the files to deploy. It can be replaced in the
                        target directory using the {type_} placeholder
                        (without the trailing ``$``).
deploy_from           Directory from which to copy the files

optional arguments:
-h, --help            show this help message and exit
-c CONFIG_FILE, --config-file CONFIG_FILE
                        Name of the configuration file (default:


little_deploy is configuration driven. To be used for project the configuration file needs to have the corresponding section. To run for type, the corresponding option must be present. type can be any string, except for a few reserved ones, described and commented in the following example

# section for the project

# the following options are directly handled by little_deploy and their
# names are reserved

# If present use it as the package name for the extraction of the version
# number, if the version is required. Default the section name
pkg_name = project
# when using the version number: if the version is a release number allow
# overwriting the target directory if exists; default False
overwrite_releases = False
# when using the version number: if the version is a pre-release number
# allow overwriting the target directory if exists; default True
overwrite_dev = yes
# when using the version number: if the version is a pre-release number
# and this option is given change the version name to the value of
# ``version_dev``; WARNING: setting this option and ``overwrite_dev`` to
# False can lead to unexpected results. Default to the actual version
version_dev = development

# types names
type = /path/to/where/the/type/must/be/deployed

In the type value the following placeholders are expanded using python format syntax

  • {project}: the project name
  • {type}: the type of the files to deploy
  • {version}: the version of the package; the version is extracted only if this placeholder is present; the version is extracted using pkg_resources


Let's say that your project is called my_project and you want to move some file of a given type, let's say some documentation, from a directory /my/doc/is/here somewhere else. You just copy call:

little_deploy my_project doc /my/doc/is/here

To instruct little_deploy about where to copy the files of doc from my_project, we need a configuration file. And yes, to have guessed correctly: by default it looks for ~/.config/little_deploy.cfg. This is how the configuration file looks like:

# this is the little_deploy configuration file
doc = /path/where/i/want/to/copy/{project}_{type_}

This will make little_deploy copy the content of /my/doc/is/here into /path/where/i/want/to/copy/my_project_doc

If you need to use it for other projects and types you can create other entries in the configuration file:

# this is the little_deploy configuration file
doc = /path/where/i/want/to/copy/{project}_{type_}
cover = ${doc}/{version}  # it uses extended interpolation


doc = ${my_project:doc}
other = /path/to/fantasia

Example of usage in Tox

Use little_deploy to build and copy the documentation using tox. This is an example of tox.ini:

envlist = doc, py34, py35

project = my_project

# your test configuration goes here

# create the documentation
basepython = python3  # this is important: little_deploy works in python >= 3.4
changedir = doc
deps =

commands =
    sphinx-build -b html -d {envtmpdir}/doctrees source {envtmpdir}/html
    little_deploy {[tox]project} doc {envtmpdir}/html
