
Simple data persistence for your Electron app or module - Save and load user preferences, app state, cache, etc

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Simple data persistence for your Electron app or module - Save and load user preferences, app state, cache, etc

Electron doesn't have a built-in way to persist user preferences and other data. This module handles that for you, so you can focus on building your app. The data is saved in a JSON file named config.json in app.getPath('userData').

You can use this module directly in both the main and renderer process.

When on Electron 10 or later, you need to enable the enableRemoteModule option to be able to use it directly in the renderer process.


$ npm install electron-store

Requires Electron 7 or later.


const Store = require('electron-store');

const store = new Store();

store.set('unicorn', '🦄');
//=> '🦄'

// Use dot-notation to access nested properties
store.set('foo.bar', true);
//=> {bar: true}

//=> undefined


Changes are written to disk atomically, so if the process crashes during a write, it will not corrupt the existing config.


Returns a new instance.


Type: object


Type: object

Default values for the store items.

Note: The values in defaults will overwrite the default key in the schema option.


type: object

JSON Schema to validate your config data.

Under the hood, the JSON Schema validator ajv is used to validate your config. We use JSON Schema draft-07 and support all validation keywords and formats.

You should define your schema as an object where each key is the name of your data's property and each value is a JSON schema used to validate that property. See more here.


const Store = require('electron-store');

const schema = {
	foo: {
		type: 'number',
		maximum: 100,
		minimum: 1,
		default: 50
	bar: {
		type: 'string',
		format: 'url'

const store = new Store({schema});

//=> 50

store.set('foo', '1');
// [Error: Config schema violation: `foo` should be number]

Note: The default value will be overwritten by the defaults option if set.


Type: object

You can use migrations to perform operations to the store whenever a version is upgraded.

The migrations object should consist of a key-value pair of 'version': handler. The version can also be a semver range.


const Store = require('electron-store');

const store = new Store({
	migrations: {
		'0.0.1': store => {
			store.set('debugPhase', true);
		'1.0.0': store => {
			store.set('phase', '1.0.0');
		'1.0.2': store => {
			store.set('phase', '1.0.2');
		'>=2.0.0': store => {
			store.set('phase', '>=2.0.0');

Note: The version the migrations use refers to the project version by default. If you want to change this behavior, specify the projectVersion option.


Type: string
Default: 'config'

Name of the storage file (without extension).

This is useful if you want multiple storage files for your app. Or if you're making a reusable Electron module that persists some data, in which case you should not use the name config.


Type: string
Default: app.getPath('userData')

Storage file location. Don't specify this unless absolutely necessary! By default, it will pick the optimal location by adhering to system conventions. You are very likely to get this wrong and annoy users.

If a relative path, it's relative to the default cwd. For example, {cwd: 'unicorn'} would result in a storage file in ~/Library/Application Support/App Name/unicorn.


Type: string | Buffer | TypedArray | DataView
Default: undefined

This can be used to secure sensitive data if the encryption key is stored in a secure manner (not plain-text) in the Node.js app. For example, by using node-keytar to store the encryption key securely, or asking the encryption key from the user (a password) and then storing it in a variable.

In addition to security, this could be used for obscurity. If a user looks through the config directory and finds the config file, since it's just a JSON file, they may be tempted to modify it. By providing an encryption key, the file will be obfuscated, which should hopefully deter any users from doing so.

It also has the added bonus of ensuring the config file's integrity. If the file is changed in any way, the decryption will not work, in which case the store will just reset back to its default state.

When specified, the store will be encrypted using the aes-256-cbc encryption algorithm.


Type: string
Default: 'json'

Extension of the config file.

You would usually not need this, but could be useful if you want to interact with a file with a custom file extension that can be associated with your app. These might be simple save/export/preference files that are intended to be shareable or saved outside of the app.


Type: boolean
Default: true

The config is cleared if reading the config file causes a SyntaxError. This is a good default, as the config file is not intended to be hand-edited, so it usually means the config is corrupt and there's nothing the user can do about it anyway. However, if you let the user edit the config file directly, mistakes might happen and it could be more useful to throw an error when the config is invalid instead of clearing. Disabling this option will make it throw a SyntaxError on invalid config instead of clearing.


Type: Function
Default: value => JSON.stringify(value, null, '\t')

Function to serialize the config object to a UTF-8 string when writing the config file.

You would usually not need this, but it could be useful if you want to use a format other than JSON.


Type: Function
Default: JSON.parse

Function to deserialize the config object from a UTF-8 string when reading the config file.

You would usually not need this, but it could be useful if you want to use a format other than JSON.


Type: boolean
Default: true

Accessing nested properties by dot notation. For example:

const Store = require('electron-store');

const store = new Store();

	foo: {
		bar: {
			foobar: '🦄'

//=> '🦄'

Alternatively, you can set this option to false so the whole string would be treated as one key.

const store = new Store({accessPropertiesByDotNotation: false});

	`foo.bar.foobar`: '🦄'

//=> '🦄'


Type: boolean
Default: false

Watch for any changes in the config file and call the callback for onDidChange or onDidAnyChange if set. This is useful if there are multiple processes changing the same config file, for example, if you want changes done in the main process to be reflected in a renderer process.


You can use dot-notation in a key to access nested properties.

The instance is iterable so you can use it directly in a for…of loop.

.set(key, value)

Set an item.

The value must be JSON serializable. Trying to set the type undefined, function, or symbol will result in a TypeError.


Set multiple items at once.

.get(key, defaultValue?)

Get an item or defaultValue if the item does not exist.


Reset items to their default values, as defined by the defaults or schema option.


Check if an item exists.


Delete an item.


Delete all items.

.onDidChange(key, callback)

callback: (newValue, oldValue) => {}

Watches the given key, calling callback on any changes.

When a key is first set oldValue will be undefined, and when a key is deleted newValue will be undefined.

Returns a function which you can use to unsubscribe:

const unsubscribe = store.onDidChange(key, callback);



callback: (newValue, oldValue) => {}

Watches the whole config object, calling callback on any changes.

oldValue and newValue will be the config object before and after the change, respectively. You must compare oldValue to newValue to find out what changed.

Returns a function which you can use to unsubscribe:

const unsubscribe = store.onDidAnyChange(callback);



Get the item count.


Get all the data as an object or replace the current data with an object:

const Store = require('electron-store');

const store = new Store();

store.store = {
	hello: 'world'


Get the path to the storage file.


Open the storage file in the user's editor.


Can I use YAML or another serialization format?

The serialize and deserialize options can be used to customize the format of the config file, as long as the representation is compatible with utf8 encoding.

Example using YAML:

const Store = require('electron-store');
const yaml = require('js-yaml');

const store = new Store({
	fileExtension: 'yaml',
	serialize: yaml.safeDump,
	deserialize: yaml.safeLoad

How do I get store values in the renderer process, when my store was initialized in the main process?

The store is not a singleton, so you will have to pass the values back and forth as messages. Electron provides a handy invoke/handle API that works well for accessing these values.

ipcMain.handle('getStoreValue', (event, key) => {
	return store.get(key);
const foo = await ipcRenderer.invoke('getStoreValue', 'foo');

It is recommended to adopt this pattern even if electron-store currently works directly in the renderer process as Electron plans to remove the remote module in the future. An alternative is to create your own singleton, which is described in #15.
