This bot tweets every expense make with spanish tarjetas black with a delay of 10 years.
The tweet bot,
, is written in python. There is also a bash script,
, that splits the huge data file in smaller files with monthly expenses.
You can find a file with all the expenses from 2003 to 2012 in data/data.csv
Write your Twitter keys and tokens in
file and save it as
The bot uses some python modules that need to be installed:
pip install python-twitter schedule python-dateutil
To run the bot on system start and restart it automatically if it crashes, this repo includes a unit file to config a systemd daemon: blactodefuture.sample.daemon
You must edit this file and set up the correct user and paths and save it as blactodefuture.daemon
. Make sure that
has execution rights for that user.
Then copy the file to /etc/systemd/system, enable the daemon and start it:
sudo systemctl enable blacktodefuture.service
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl start blacktodefuture.service