
PoC project to test backendless approach. NuxtJS + Supabase

Primary LanguageVue

Zeppelins FullFront

Monterail internal project. We test backendless approach to build fully functional app without BE team. Look at the Nuxt 3 documentation to learn more.


We use asdf to set up the local machine faster, and install dependencies like node. example of asdf setup:

brew install asdf
asdf plugin-add nodejs
asdf install

We use Yarn v3.4.1. If you use another version of yarn type:

corepack enable

More details here.

Make sure to install the dependencies:

# yarn
yarn install

Development Server

Start the development server on http://localhost:3000

yarn dev


Build the application for production:

yarn build

Locally preview production build:

yarn preview

Check out the deployment documentation for more information.