
A Perch template filter for formatting phone numbers

Primary LanguagePHP

Phone template filter

This is a Perch template filter for formatting phone numbers. The phone filter uses libphonenumber-for-php, a library based on Google's libphonenumber, for formatting and validating phone numbers.


  • Download the latest version
  • Place the pipit_phone directory in the folder perch/addons/templates/filters/
  • Include the class in the file perch/addons/templates/filters.php:


Enable template filters

You need to enable template filters in your config file perch/config/config.php:


Set a default country [optional]

You can set a default country to format the numbers to its standards:



<a href="<perch:content id="phone_number" filter="phone" country="gb" output="tel_link">" >
    <perch:content id="phone_number" filter="phone" country="gb" output="international">

If you have defined a default country PIPIT_PHONE_COUNTRY in your Perch configuration, you can omit the country attribute:

<a href="<perch:content id="phone_number" filter="phone" output="tel_link">" >
    <perch:content id="phone_number" filter="phone" output="international">

Tag Attributes

Attribute Description
country The country of the phone number. Takes a two-letter country code ISO 3166
output The formatting option to be used to output the phone number. See table below. Omitting the attribute will output the phone number with no spacing.

Output options

Option Description
international International formatting of the phone number
national Nationaly formatting of the phone number
tel_link The phone number formatted for tel URI - RFC3966 (prefixed with tel:)
