I'm a full time Frontend Engineer (Systems Engineering) living in Medellín, Colombia.
Passionate JavaScript developer with more than 10 years of experience. I developed applications and web pages using open source technologies; I mainly work as a Frontend developer creating user interfaces and visualizing data.
I have experience with free platforms and operating systems Linux / OS X management with web trends knowledge, basic server management and computer information security...
Currently focused on web application development using React, Vue.js and Node.js
- JavaScript programming
- 🐍 Python Programming
- 🕸 Web apps Security
- Node.js / Deno
- JAMstack
- 💨Velocidad de Escape
- 📫My personal website SrHart
- 👾Geek the Planet
Read my latest blog post: Standard built-in objects in JavaScript
Last update on Thu Aug 19 2021