
The main objective of this project is to create a new automated system to process attendees at large events like orientation where attendees can check in on the fly and provide event administrators with real time analytics.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

The main objective of this project is to create a new automated system to process attendees at large events like orientation where attendees can check in on the fly and provide event administrators with real time analytics. 
The interface would allow event organizers to generate and email each individual in a group of people with a unique QR code, and attendees would confirm their attendance by simply presenting their QR-code tickets to a designated kiosk, which would scan the individual QR codes and update the results to the online database.

This Web server project neededs to be set up using LAMP (please view project pdf file for database setup) and used with PhoneGap Qin project
at https://github.com/montoya332/QinPhoneGap.git  in order to check in attendees.

Email me at montoya332@live.com