
The main objective of this project is to create a new automated system to process attendees at large events like orientation where attendees can check in on the fly and provide event administrators with real time analytics. The interface would allow event organizers to generate and email each individual in a group of people with a unique QR code, and attendees would confirm their attendance by simply presenting their QR-code tickets to a designated kiosk, which would scan the individual QR codes and update the results to the online database.

Primary LanguageJava

Instruction to install Phonegap (http://phonegap.com/install/)

Installing Android platform(http://docs.phonegap.com/en/edge/guide_platforms_android_index.md.html#Android%20Platform%20Guide)

*Apache ant (i used 1.8.4) 
*Java JDK (i used jdk1.7.0_07)
*Android SDK
*All Path variables has been set (JAVA_HOME, ANT_HOME)

After environment has been installed
*Install to app for android apps (varies with platform)
	1.cd into QREvent directory 
	2.Phonegap build android 
	3.Phongap install android

Below are steps in creating a new app from scratch 

Creating environment 
	1.phonegap create SeniorProject com.QR.Scanner QRScanner
	2.Directory being created – SeniorProject
	3.Reverse domain style identifier - com.QR.Scanner
	4.Application Display Text – QRScanner
Phonegap build android 
	1.Builds platform for android incorporation 
	2.Visit phonegap.com for full list of platform compadible
Cordova plugin add https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/cordova-plugin-camera.git
	1.Provides access to the devices default camera application
	2.phonegap local plugin add https://github.com/jonathannaguin/BarcodeScanner
modify index.html 	
	1.insert code provide below code 1
Install to app for android apps (varias with platform)
	1.Phonegap build android 
	2.Phongap install android