Performance is a feature—integrate Google PageSpeed Insights into your Django project's development workflow and continuously work towards improving the performance of your user's experience.
Django-PSI provides both command line reporting and database archiving of PSI results for analysis. Django-PSI also provides the admin views for reviewing the results by default.
Inside your project's virtualenv...
$ pip install django-psi
Next, add django-psi to your INSTALLED_APPS
settings configuration.
Execute migrations to create psi
./ migrate psi
You're all set!
Getting started is easy. Execute the below to create entries in the database, and also produce a console report.
./ insights -c -u
The above informs psi
to run PageSpeed Insights on the provided URL, and also log results to the console.
These project values are not required, but are available to reduce having to provide them when executing the management command. You can always override these values when executing the management command by supplying their matching arguments.
TYPE: String
The Google developer API key used when making the request. Unless Specified defaults to use the free tier on PageSpeed Insights.
TYPE: tuple
A collection of URLs to be iterated over during execution.
Type: String
The URL of the page for which the PageSpeed Insights API should generate results.
If no url is provided, command will attempt to retrieve PSI_URLS
from the project's settings conf.
Type: String Default: 'desktop'
The strategy to use when analyzing the page. Valid values are "desktop" and "mobile".
Type: String Default: 'en_US
The locale that results should be generated in. See the list of supported locales. If the specified locale is not supported, the default locale is used.
Type: String Default: None
The PageSpeed rules to run. Can be specified multiple times (for example, &rule=AvoidBadRequests&rule=MinifyJavaScript) to request multiple rules. If unspecified, all rules for the current strategy are used. Most users of the API should not need to specify this parameter.
Type: String Default: None
The Google developer API key used when making the request. Unless Specified defaults to use the free tier on PageSpeed Insights.
Type: Boolean Default: False
Output the PageSpeed Insight results to the console.
Type: Boolean Default: False
Indicates if binary data containing a screenshot should be included. If True the resulting image data is stored in the database.
- PEP8
- Tests
- Ensure i18ln properly
- Better handling of 400, 404, and 500 responses.
- Some rules provide identifiers in the description (e.g. $1) for interpolating values that are helpful in diagnosing opportunity. Use these.
- More robust PSI_URLS configuration to support grouping, and defining strategy per URL.
- Better console report display.
- Provide a default, custom admin view charting example, using something like
- There are some arguments not currently supported (userIP and http). Will eventually add support.
- Progress bar during execution... maybe.
- Simple JSON API.
- Generate link to preview full JSON response since we store it.
- Generate link to view resulting screenshot if one exists.