
greenhouse climate monitoring

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is a personal project to monitor and control a greenhouse. Use with own risk.

My current setup is following: In greenhouse Arduino Nano with sensors, connected to Atom PC running LINUX, also raspberry is possible!


- OPEN_WEATHER_APPID    your open weather appid
- OPEN_WEATHER_LOCATION   location of weather station (see open weather)
- ARDUINO_HOST         ip of PC connected to Arduino
- ARDUINO_HOST_PORT    http port of USBtoHTTP
- PORT     http server port
- DATABASE mongodb://localhost/climate


schemas and partlists for Arduino #1 and #2


Log open weather weather, nearest weather station location.

Arduino #1 connect to PC (or rasp):

- measures temperature, humidity (DHT22)
- measures soilmoisture (grove soil moisture sensor)
- measure sunlight (solarpanel)
- serial communcation to PC
- display to OLED
- program arduino/readings.ion

PC #1 (or Raspberry) with WIFI USBtoHTTP forward measurements (and log to file).

PC#2 (ocan be same as PC #1, but I use another server) index.js Plot data to console (rasp) and jsob / html over http.


Display Open weather forecasts Save logs to database & view logs by date. Currently log is not saved.

arduino #2 power controller

- ATX power on (5V & 12V systems)
- 5V Raspberry power
- relay 12V to LED lights
- relay 12V to cooling fan
- relay 220V (for heating and water pump)