Automatically spider the result set of a Censys/Shodan search and download all files where the file name or folder path matches a regex.
- adulau@MISP @CIRCL @cve-search and many others
- Alialshater90
- ancailliauBrussels
- Bbyhex
- bonjourmalware
- danzekChicago
- dfirnewbie
- Fdril
- FZKiritsugu
- g-les
- habib26-14moroccan school of engineering sciences
- Hestat
- hirak0
- kierangroomeInertia Labs Ltd
- Kodiyilthekkadil
- MichaelKoczwaraLondon
- MilleniumSpark
- mopsydPhiladelphia, PA
- pdolinic@NETWAYS
- Saltinbank-SySPas encore recherché par la CIA : ça viendra j'ecrirai un livre ma foi ...
- schrodyn
- ssnkhanUnited Kingdom
- Stuxyware
- sung-jin-woo
- teixeira0xfffff
- theguly
- thesimplezero