
Python application for installing, listing, and uninstalling OpenMW mods without manually editing openmw.cfg

Primary LanguagePython



A really simple Python3 script I wrote in one night for managing OpenMW mods.

Currently there are choices in the script that prevent it from working on platforms other than OpenMW for Linux.

How to Use

ModMW supports 4 commands right now:

  • install path/to/mod_dir: Registers a data directory and any of its BSA files with OpenMW's VFS.
  • uninstall path/to/mod_dir: Unregisters a data directory and any of its BSA that has previously been registered.
  • list: Lists all currently installed mod data directories in order of file overwrite priority, from first (lowest) to last (highest).
  • backup path/to/backup/location: Backs up the openmw.cfg file in its current state to the given file path.

This manager makes some assumptions about the file contents when uninstalling mods, such as any content declarations immediately following the target data declaration line belong to it. As such, manually editing the data / content lines is not recommended.