
cleanup of os x photos library

Primary LanguageJavaScript


cleanup of os x photos library


osxphotos needs to be installed, see https://github.com/RhetTbull/osxphotos#installation-instructions. I installed with pipx

Also install the Photos applescript library from http://photosautomation.com/scripting/script-library.html, specifically:

  1. Download http://photosautomation.com/scripting/PhotosUtilitiesScriptLibrary.zip and unzip
  2. mkdir 'Script Libraries'
  3. mv '/Users/monty/Downloads/Photos Utilities.scptd'

also set up python env

Followed https://jacobian.org/2019/nov/11/python-environment-2020/

running osxphotos

osxphotos dump --db '/Users/monty/Pictures/2020 Pictures/Mexico 2019.photoslibrary' > photos.csv

To tag all photos in the Ceramics folder:

cd /Users/monty/code/photos-cleanup
osxphotos query --folder Ceramics > ceramics.csv
cd clean
python -m clean.setkeywords ../ceramics.csv "ceramics,ceramics_album"

To delete all photos with a tag:

  1. open Photos with that library
  2. search for all photos with that tag
  3. select them all, then delete
  4. go to Recently Deleted and permanently delete them all

To create list of albums to turn into tags:

cd /Users/monty/code/photos-cleanup/clean
pythom -m clean.albums.py

Edit albums.csv so the album names will map to the tags you want

To create alltags.csv to apply to the library:

cd /Users/monty/code/photos-cleanup/clean
python -m clean.tagitall

After reviewing alltags.csv, apply it to the library:

cd /Users/monty/code/photos-cleanup/clean
python -m clean.setalltags alltags.csv

Then create smart albums for every tag.


  • √ query all photos

  • √ tag with camera model

  • √ tag with album keywords, mapped

  • remove photos from before 2010 that don't have a tag other than camera

  • check date field for duplicates

  • remove unused tags


  • try out plex as the photo app
  • export the Ceramics photos preserving the folder/album structure

Maybe this app for offline photos (from a website): https://apps.apple.com/us/app/browser-offline-file-storage/id970487401

Or google photos? I downloaded the Backup and Sync from Google app. NO--google photos will not work without access to the ios photos library