Enables simple sort for your Eloquent models
composer require monurakkaya/laravel-sortable
$fooOne = Foo::create(['title' => 'Foo1', 'sort_order' => 1]);
$fooTwo = Foo::create(['title' => 'Foo2', 'sort_order' => 4]);
$fooThree = Foo::create(['title' => 'Foo3', 'sort_order' => 3]);
$records = Foo::get();
Your model should use Monurakkaya\Traits\Sortable trait to enable auto sort;
use Monurakkaya\Sortable\Traits;
class Foo extends Model {
use Sortable;
and that's all.
To change the column name to be sorted just override the getSortableColumn
method on your model
class Foo extends Model {
use Sortable;
protected static function getSortableColumn()
return 'created_at';
Default is sort_order
To change the sorting direction just override the getSortableDirection
method on your model
class Foo extends Model {
use Sortable;
protected static function getSortableDirection()
return 'desc';
Default is asc
** You do not have to add new column, you can use existing columns like created_at, id
etc to make your model able to auto-sort results.
// This will generate an unsigned big integer column named `sort_order`
// which equivalent to $table->unsignedBigInteger('sort_order');
Schema::create('table', function (Blueprint $table) {
Schema::table('table', function (Blueprint $table) {
// on create
// on drop
Using schema helper is optional. You can go on with your own definitions.
To run the tests, execute the following from the command line, while in the project root directory: