
This is the fourth weekend assignment that I got from my boot-camp its a program that manages a car marketplace, the we be in pure JS with some objects and functions that well manage those objects.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Weekend Assignment: Car Marketplace Management System


Your task is to create a JavaScript program that manages a car marketplace. This system should be able to handle different entities such as car agencies, customers, and a tax authority. The car marketplace data will be provided to you. All actions will be executed with console outputs.


Your JavaScript program should be able to perform the following functionalities:

  1. Agency Operations:

    • Search for a car agency by its name or ID.
    • Retrieve all agencies' names.
    • Add a new car to an agency's inventory.
    • Remove a car from an agency's inventory.
    • Change the cash or credit of an agency.
    • Update the price of a specific car in an agency (Method: updateCarPrice).
    • Calculate and return the total revenue for a specific agency (Method: getTotalAgencyRevenue).
    • Transfer a car from one agency to another (Method: transferCarBetweenAgencies).
  2. Customer Operations:

    • Search for a customer by their name or ID.
    • Retrieve all customers' names.
    • Change the cash of a customer.
    • Calculate the total value of all cars owned by a specific customer (Method: getCustomerTotalCarValue).
  3. Car Operations:

    • Retrieve all cars available for purchase.
    • Search for cars based on certain criteria. The search parameters should include the production year, price, and optionally, the brand of the car.
    • Return the most expensive car available for sale (Method: getMostExpensiveCar).
    • Return the cheapest car available for sale (Method: getCheapestCar).
  4. Car Purchase Operations:

    • Implement a sellCar function that sells a car to a specific customer. This function should:
      • Check the availability of the car at the agency.
      • Verify if the customer has enough cash to purchase the car.
      • Update the cash and credit for both the agency and the customer accordingly.
      • Update the tax authority's records.
    • Calculate and return the total revenue of the entire market (Method: getTotalMarketRevenue).


  • Make sure to handle possible edge cases, for example, when a car or a customer doesn't exist, or when a customer doesn't have enough cash to buy a car.
  • Remember to break down your code into manageable and logically separated functions for better readability and maintainability.
  • Comment your code appropriately to describe the functionality of your methods.

Good luck!