
This repository has been archived because the tool is now part of Moodle 4.0 and up. For more information about how to use and contribute to it, please read the developers documentation.

Moodle Component Library plugin

The Moodle UI component Library is built with the aim to provide a single repository of Moodle UI components to be used for new and existing Moodle pages.

A Moodle UI component is a self-contained UI element originating from one source file that can be used in different locations in core code, for example a button.

This plugin generates the documentation of the Moodle User Interface components. It is build using the Bootstrap docs and the Hugo static site builder.

You will find all of the Bootstrap Component documentation pages using this plugin, and Moodle specific documentation all rendered using your Moodle's CSS and Javascript!


Either install this plugin using Moodle's plugin installation interface or unzip it in your Moodle's admin/tools folder. Ensure the extracted folder name is called componentlibrary.

cd admin/tool/

git clone git@github.com:moodlehq/moodle-tool_componentlibrary.git componentlibrary

Once installed you can find the component library navigating to Site Administration > Development > Component Library


-- warning: this process might change a lot during the development of this plugin

You can add documentation pages for new or existing UI elements using the Hugo static site builder. To install Hugo you will need to have Node installed.

Install Hugo:

cd admin/tool/componentlibrary
npm install

Create the component library html pages:

npm run start

This will override any docs pages already included in this plugin.

Hugo docs pages are written using Markdown, an easy to learn way of writing formatted pages. With Hugo we can do a lot more, there is an excellent course on using Hugo on Youtube.