
light util to deal with ordinary work of js

Primary LanguageJavaScript



this lib uses es6 and require no dependency



  • pull to load | 下拉加载

      $pullToLoad('goods-container', status => {
      	$get('goods', {page: status.page}, rs => {
      		rs.data.forEach(goods => {
      			$add('goods-container', $tag('img', goods.img, 'goods-item', () => {
      				window.open('goods/' + goods.id)
      		status.load = true

util list

util function detail
ajax $ajax(method, url, data, header, success, [error], [withCredentials]) all ajax function is withCredentials by default
ajax-get $get(url, success, [error]) status code isn't 200 and 'code' in reponse json isn't 0 or 200 will call error
ajax-get $get(url, data, success, [error], [withCredentials]) data are key-values to generate query string after url
ajax-post $post(url, data, success, [error], [type], [withCredentials]) type can be 'form' (default) or 'json'
getElement $e(elem) the same with document.getElementById()
get/setValue $v(elem, [val]) get value from attr of value of innerHTML, set value to attr of value,innerHTML,href,src according to tagName
query $q(name, [url]) get query param in url
get/setCookie $ck(name, [value], [second]) cookie expires in 1 day by default
getFormData $fd(prefix, fields) get value from each input that id is prefix + '-' + field
fillForm $ff(prefix, fields) set each input that id is prefix + '-' + field.key by field.value
ajaxFillForm $aff(url, prefix) the same to $get(url, rs => { $ff(prefix, rs.data) })
stampToDate $date(date)
stampToDatetime $time(date)
timeToChinese $timeCn(date)
notify $notify(msg, [className]) require muyu.css and use className to add your custom style
click $click(elem, callback) will cover the previous bind
enter $enter(btn) will trigger btn.click() when keydown enter, and will cover the previous bind
createElement $tag(tag, [val], [className], [click]) the same with document.createElement(tag) and call $v, $click or set className on it
addChildren $add(parent, ...children) the same with parent.appendChild() on each child
clickToTop $toTop(btn, [elem]) the default elem is window
hideFooter $hideFooter([elem]) the default elem is the footer tag, hide footer when screen keyboard appears
pullToLoad $pullToLoad(elem, callback, [distance]) the default distance is 50, the callback receive an status object {load: bool, page: number}, set statu.load = true when finish loading
hideElement $hide(elem) the same with elem.style.display = 'none'
showElement $show(elem, [inline]) the same with elem.style.display = 'block' or 'inline-block'
changeElementToShow $change(elem, elems) hide all elems and show elem
getProperty $pro(obj, property, [split]) the default split is '.'
valueExpress $vex(exp, def, justify, modify) too hard to explain
valueDefault $vdf(...exp) get the first exp that is true, and the last exp if none is true
valueLastTrue $vlt(obj, ...exp) get the previous once an exp is false, obj if the first exp is false
trim $trim(str, [mode]) mode can be 'left', 'right' or 'both' (default)
transitionNumber $tran(elem, increment, [second]) the default second is 1