
First project from the Odin Project! Incorporating knowledge of CSS and HTML

Primary LanguageHTML


First project from the Odin Project! Incorporating knowledge of CSS and HTML I want to be able to show off what I have learned from doing about a month's worth of learning for HTML and CSS. Hopefully the lesseons I have learned from the Responsive Web Design course will be useful in this regard. I will be keeping a record of what caused me the most grief when figuring out how to make a basic example of the Google homepage. 1. Layout a. Jesus christ, figuring how to get the logo and the search bar was a fucking headache. About 30 minutes wasted trying to see if margin: 0 auto; or sometime of position comamand would get it done. Who knew using display: flex would be my best friend - really love this because somehow learning how to use flexbox has always been quite challenging for me. b. Spacing OOF, spacing is also a trip. Somehow I get by with the grace of text-align and more flexbox! 2. Buttons Kinda struggling with the buttons and how frustrating they can be. It is kinda hard to get them to the level that I want them to be. 3. Icons Learning to place icons inside the input box was kind of a struggle, but it allowed me to practice with position relative and absolute for a little bit **using top and left in css can help posiion the icon within the input bar, which is how I got the magnifying glass inside the input!

Good luck me!