- ABohynDOEKULeuven
- andreranzacynkra
- andrewallenbruceGeorgia
- christophsaxZurich, Switzerland
- drejomCalifornia, USA
- drizk1
- embracefall
- eusebe
- freestatman@Sanofi-GitHub
- gingfacekillahMack Analytics
- irenerloverLSHTM+CUHK
- ixxmu
- JBGruberVU Amsterdam
- jfulponi@datapartnership @EL-BID
- jimbrig@noclocks
- jobreuGESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences
- joekirincic
- JohannesFriedrichStäubli
- jrspringmanUniversity of Pennsylvania
- kbvernonCenter for Collaborative Synthesis in Archaeology
- kizen777Graduate School of Mukogawa Women’s University
- krlmlr@cynkra
- Layalchristine24@cynkra
- leonieduIBGE
- luisDVA
- markushlangHeidelberg, Germany
- matheus-rech
- MislavSag
- nevromeMPI GEA / MPI EVA
- NewGraphEnvironmentNew Graph Environment Ltd.
- PanosChatziAristotle University of Thessaloniki
- pvictor@dreamRs
- SoaresAlissonBelo Horizonte (MG) - Brasil
- tjw-benthUniversity of Southampton
- verenakunzGESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences
- yusuke-sasaki-jprep