download-CMIP6 inspired by, I improved it to be compatibility with CMIP6.

set your own variables like below.

experiment_ids=(historical piControl ssp126 ssp245 ssp370 ssp585)

variable_ids=(hus psl so ta thetao tos)

source_ids=(AWI-CM-1-1-MR BCC-CSM2-MR)

table_ids=(Amon Omon)



realms=(atmos ocean)

mkdir wgets to store wget-*.sh

For example:

Though, user could set experiment_ids, variable_ids, source_ids etc, to include the most subject, but website might disclose your requests and/or block your account/IP. So the strategy is that, request ~100 wget-*.sh in one day and execute these scripts to download data. then next day. That's my experience.