
upload csv files and import then into mongodb

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

About the App

This is a small app with a single endpoint that receives a CSV file which may have different columns. From where to pick the data (columns) is defined by a configuration that changes according to the provider. All file data then must be saved in a db.


NodeJS 12 or higher


  • express: Web Server
  • express-fileupload: Middleware to obtain the attached csv file
  • @fast-csv/parse: To parse the csv file in a stream
  • mongoose
  • mongodb-memory-server


  • CSV files come with no headers.
  • There is no data validation (types, formats, etc.)
  • CSV files can be huge.
  • files uploaded are moved to the uploads folder in the app root

Design decisions

  • The core of the app resides in handling potential huge files. Effort is invested in making that possible instead of other aspects (such as validations)
  • Once the file is saved (uploaded) the user gets a response from the server. No need to wait for the whole file to be processed. Here we could return a track id code the user can use later to check the progress.
  • CSV files can be huge. fast-csv was chosen because it works with streams. We can read the file as a stream and pipe it to fast-csv to process it.
  • While reading the CSV file, we can also start creating the chunks to be sent to the DB, so no need to use a external library to create the chunks after the whole file was processed (do not iterate twice the total of rows)
  • Every row of the CSV is read as an array of column values (i.e. ['JN1AZ4EHXDM752905', 'Audi', '4000CS']), so we can just pick the needed column by knowing the index (position) from a config file
  • Importing the data to the db must be done in chunks to avoid overloading the server (and the db). Each import is executed in a different tick of the event loop.


In the project directory:

  1. Install all dependencies npm install
  2. Run npm start

Runs the app in port 3000.

Invoking the endpoint

Invoke the endpoint with the following attributes. A third party app like postman can be used to ease the testing.

HTTP Post method to http:localhost:3000/upload


  • Content-Type: multipart/form-data

Body (parameters)

  • provider: The name of the provider to use
  • csvFile: the attached csv file to upload

Test data

Provider values:

  • "test-provider-1": Has a configuration of no extra columns Below is the configuration. The number indicates in which column the data is expected. i.e. mileague comes in the 4th column (zero-based index)
vin: 0
make: 1
model: 2
mileague: 3
year: 4
price: 5
zipCode: 6
createDate: 7
updateDate: 8
  • "test-provider-2": Has a configuration of extra columns (the required ones plus extra ones that are no needed)
vin: 1
make: 2
model: 3
mileague: 5
year: 6
price: 7
zipCode: 8
createDate: 9
updateDate: 12

CSV Files: Files are located in the sample-files folder. The name of the folder indicates which provider to use as well as the amount of rows.


Testing has been done using Jest. To run all tests:

npm test