
A backend for Watson Assistant Api

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Backend API to serve applications that consume IBM Watson Assistant, using SOLID standards.

Environment Variables

To run this project, you will need to add the following environment variables to your .env file

NODE_ENV = dev or production

VCAP_PORT= Provided by IBM Cloud Cloud Foundry Host

VCAP_HOST = Provided by IBM Cloud Cloud Foundry Host

WATSON_ASSISTANT_API_KEY= Provided by Assistant Team

WATSON_ASSISTANT_AUTH_TYPE= Provided by Assistant Team

WATSON_ASSISTANT_IAM_API_KEY= Provided by Assistant Team

WATSON_ASSISTANT_URL= Provided by Assistant Team

WATSON_ASSISTANT_VERSION= Provided by Assistant Team

WATSON_ASSISTANT_WORKSPACE_ID = Provided by Assistant Team

DEBUG= true or false

VCAP_SERVICES= Provided by IBM Cloud Cloud Foundry Integration

Run Locally

Clone the project

  git clone https://github.com/moohbr/watson-assistant-api

Go to the project directory

  cd watson-assistant-api

Install dependencies

  yarn install

Build the project

  yarn build

Start the server

  yarn start

API Reference

Start a new conversation

  GET /conversation

Send a message

  POST /conversation
Parameter Type Description
user_id string Required. Conversation session id
message string The input text.
