
A very small markdown driven blogging platform.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT



This is an exercise in using Vite, Sass, Markdown, and Navigo to build a microblogging platform.


To configure the application, modify the dist/config.json file.

Adding a post.

  1. Plan the name of your post and the appropriate slug in advanced. You can use the dist/posts/hello-world.md file as an example.
  2. Create your example-post-slug.md file in the dist/posts folder.
  3. Change your dist/config.json to add the example-post-slug to the posts array.

Build commands

One-Time Build

npm run build

Ongoing Watch

npm run watch

Self-Hosted Version

npm run preview

Uploading your build.

Simply point your web server's publicly accessible webroot to the dist folder, or upload the contents of the dist folder to your publicly accessible webroot.


See LICENSE file.