
User Interaction Tracking for Kubernetes

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📖 Logistis

User Interaction Tracking for Kubernetes.

Logistis is an application which observes user interaction with a Kubernetes cluster. Think Google Analytics for Kubernetes. It tracks CRUD operations via ValidatingWebhook and stores it in its own local database. The tracking events can be fetched as json or shown as diff.

It allows you to:

  • track who made a change in which namespace to which resource
  • track what changes have been made and when
  • get an overview of recent changes in a cluster

Yes, everyone does gitops. But people still need to operate their stuff.


  • kubectl blame plugin to inspect changes
    • overview on a cluster-global level: latest changes by namespace
    • latest changes per-namespace
  • make event limit configurable (currently max 100 events per resource)
  • add predicate functions to decide whether or not to capture a event
  • distributed event storage 🤷


$ make deploy
# ...make changes to a pod or deployment

blame with patch

kubectl blame deployment
| KEY                      | OPERATION | USER             | TIME                 | PATCH                                                               |
| default/Deployment/nginx | UPDATE    | kubernetes-admin | 2022-08-13T22:08:53Z | replace /metadata/labels/app                                        |
|                          |           |                  |                      | remove /metadata/managedFields/0/fieldsV1/f:metadata/f:labels/.     |
|                          |           |                  |                      | remove /metadata/managedFields/0/fieldsV1/f:metadata/f:labels/f:app |
|                          |           |                  |                      | add /metadata/managedFields/2                                       |
|                          |           |                  |                      |                                                                     |
| default/Deployment/nginx | CREATE    | kubernetes-admin | 2022-08-13T22:08:45Z | add                                                                 |
|                          |           |                  |                      |                                                                     |

blame with diff

kubectl blame deployment -f diff
| 35m | default/deployment/nginx | UPDATE | kubernetes-admin                      |
| groups:                                                                         |
| - system:masters                                                                |
| - system:authenticated                                                          |
|                                                                                 |
|        "deployment.kubernetes.io/revision": "1",                                |
|        "kubectl.kubernetes.io/last-applied-configuration": "{"apiVersion":"apps |
| "                                                                               |
|      },                                                                         |
|      "creationTimestamp": "2022-09-15T20:09:52Z",                               |
| -    "generation": 5,                                                           |
| +    "generation": 6,                                                           |
|      "managedFields": [                                                         |
|        0: {                                                                     |
|          "apiVersion": "apps/v1",                                               |
|          "fieldsType": "FieldsV1",                                              |
|          "fieldsV1": {                                                          |
| [...]                                                                           |
|              }                                                                  |
|            },                                                                   |
|            "f:spec": {                                                          |
|              "f:progressDeadlineSeconds": {                                     |
|              },                                                                 |
| -            "f:replicas": {                                                    |
| -            },                                                                 |
|              "f:revisionHistoryLimit": {                                        |
|              },                                                                 |
|              "f:selector": {                                                    |
|              },                                                                 |
|              "f:strategy": {                                                    |
| [...]                                                                           |
|          "manager": "kube-controller-manager",                                  |
|          "operation": "Update",                                                 |
|          "subresource": "status",                                               |
|          "time": "2022-09-17T19:37:54Z"                                         |
|        }                                                                        |
| +      2: {                                                                     |
| +        "apiVersion": "apps/v1",                                               |
| +        "fieldsType": "FieldsV1",                                              |
| +        "fieldsV1": {                                                          |
| +          "f:spec": {                                                          |
| +            "f:replicas": {                                                    |
| +            }                                                                  |
| +          }                                                                    |
| +        },                                                                     |
| +        "manager": "kubectl-edit",                                             |
| +        "operation": "Update",                                                 |
| +        "time": "2022-09-17T19:37:59Z"                                         |
| +      }                                                                        |
|      ],                                                                         |
|      "name": "nginx",                                                           |
|      "namespace": "default",                                                    |
|      "resourceVersion": "178315",                                               |
|      "uid": "4dc72be3-0a50-4fdb-b2b6-b9f50fb60976"                              |
|    },                                                                           |
|    "spec": {                                                                    |
|      "progressDeadlineSeconds": 600,                                            |
| -    "replicas": 2,                                                             |
| +    "replicas": 1,                                                             |
|      "revisionHistoryLimit": 10,                                                |
|      "selector": {                                                              |
|        "matchLabels": {                                                         |
|          "app": "nginx"                                                         |
|        }                                                                        |
|                                                                                 |

Custom Base Image

Build with your own custom image with a custom Makefile:

# .local/Makefile

IMAGE_REPO := custom.acme.org/logistis
IMAGE_TAG := v0.0.0-dev

	--build-arg BASEIMAGE=custom.acme.org/golang:xyz \
	--build-arg RUNIMAGE=custom.acme.org/alpine:xyz


	make -C ../ $@