
This repository is a tool to create a .suo that when run by visual studio's will achieve code execution

Primary LanguageC#

VisualStudio .suo deserialization exploit

A Proof of Concept (PoC) that will create a .suo file, this .suo file and can be put into any VisualStudio code project. When the sln/project is opened it will cause code execution. This technique was discovered by cjm00nw & edwardzpeng!


This project is a Visual Studio Code project and requires Visual Studio and C# to be installed.


  1. Go to the "Releases" section of this repository.

  2. Download the latest release of "suo_exploit_test.exe"

  3. Open a command prompt or PowerShell.

  4. Run the exploit executable with the desired command, like:

    suo_exploit_test.exe input.suo injected.suo calc


    suo_exploit_test.exe input.suo injected.suo cmd /c start calc

Help menu


suo_exploit_test.exe input.suo output.suo command [optional args]


suo_exploit_test.exe input.suo injected.suo calc

suo_exploit_test.exe input.suo injected.suo cmd /c start calc

The input.suo is an existing .suo for the program to modify

The injected.suo is the output, thats the file which when open by visual studio's will run your command


Credits to cjm00nw & edwardzpeng for discovering this technique.


Contact the Developer:

  • Telegram: moom825

  • Discord: moom825


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