The is a Zhihu Daily App client, implemented using React Native for Android. The is a demo project to show how to develop a compelet app with React Native. (The data api is from ZhihuDailyPurify)
- The home page
- The drawer
- The content page
In this project, I used most of technology in React Native:
- Flex Style
- Direct Manipulation
- Native UI Components
- DrawerLayoutAndroid
- Image/Text/ListView
- TouchableHighlight/TouchableNativeFeedback
- ToolbarAndroid/Navigator
- StyleSheet/ToastAndroid/BackAndroid
- Timers
- ...
- Add local storage to cache data
- Add List header banner (Like ViewPager?)
- Add splash animation
- Add swipe/pull to refresh
- Working on incomplete features
- iOS compatible
This project is available under the MIT license.