What is it
NPatterns is a collection of patterns often used in .NET projects, such as patterns of eaa.
How to get it
- from github
- from nuget: by searching the Name "NPatterns"
- NPatterns: defines the contracts of patterns, like interface, base class, and basic implementations without any other dependencies.
- NPatterns.XXX: implement some patterns with specified dependencies.
Patterns implemented:
MessageBus (a.k.a EventBus)
NPatterns.Messaging.MessageBus, NPatterns
1. without Hanlder Factory
1.1. define a message
public class UserCreatedEvent //UserName,Email etc;
1.2. initial a bus
you could keep it as Singleton, so it could handle all messages in your application via registered handlers
public static IMessageBus Bus = new MessageBus();
1.3. register handler
you may keep the disposer if the disposing needed sometime
var disposer = Bus.Subscribe<UserCreatedEvent>(m=>{
//log for m.UserName
//send welcome mail to m.Email
1.4. publish message
then registered handler of previous step would be invoked
var aMessage=new UserCreatedEvent{UserName="abc",Email="abc@abc.com"};
2. with Hanlder Factory
2.1. define a message (as same as above)
2.2. initial a bus with handler factory
kernel.Bind<IMessageBus>() //Ninject
.ToConstructor(ctorArg => new MessageBus(type => ctorArg.Context.Kernel.GetAll(type))) //setup handler factory
.InSingletonScope(); //make it singleton
2.3. implement a Hanlder
public class UserCreatedEventHandler:IHandler<UserCreatedEvent>
public void Handle(UserCreatedEvent message)
//log for message.UserName
//send welcome mail to message.Email
2.4. IoC configuration
kernel.Bind<IHandler<UserCreatedEvent>>().To<UserCreatedEventHandler>(); //Ninject
2.5. publish message (as same as above)