
Launch and develop inside a local k8s cluster with only docker. No virtualbox or minikube needed.

If on macOS ensure md5sha1sum is installed

brew install md5sha1sum

Ensure kubectl is installed and on path. Port 80 must also be open

sudo ./ up

Dashboard ingress will be at

Mount an application into pod volume running inside the cluster

nodejs example

Application code is in apps/nodejs

When cluster-compose turns up the cluster, the apps folder is mounted into the kubernetes worker node at /apps

Once cluster is up, deploy the application. kubectl apply -f apps/nodejs/k8s/deployment.yml

Inside apps/nodejs/k8s/deployment.yml A host volume is setup to mount /apps/nodejs into the pod at /app

/app/nodejs/ Is the container entrypoint. Provisioning such as npm install can be done here before starting the app.

Once pod is up, view at

You can now make changes to apps/nodejs and it will link to the pod. Kill the pod to restart the process