
Hyper Model helps take Machine Learning to production

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Hyper Model

Hyper Model helps take Machine Learning to production.

Hyper Model takes an opinionated and simple approach to the deployment, testing and monitoring of Machine Learning models, leveraging Kubernetes and Kubeflow to do all the important work.

API Documentation

API / SDK documentation for Hyper Model is available at https://docs.hypermodel.com/en/latest/

Getting started

1. Install conda

2. Create a conda environment & install the development package

conda create --name hml-dev python=3.8
conda install -n hml-dev mypy scikit-learn pandas joblib flask waitress click tqdm
conda install -c conda-forge xgboost
conda activate hml-dev

3. Install the HyperModel pip package for local development

cd src/hyper-model/
python -m pip install --upgrade setuptools wheel
pip install -e .

Example Pipeline

  @hml.pipeline(app.pipelines, cron="0 0 * * *", experiment="demos")
  def crashed_pipeline():
      This is where we define the workflow for this pipeline purely
      with method invocations.
      create_training_op = pipeline.create_training()
      create_test_op = pipeline.create_test()
      train_model_op = pipeline.train_model()

      # Set up the dependencies for this model

Anatomy of an ML Project in Hyper Model

Hyper Model Projects provide are self-contained Python Packages, providing all the code required for both Training and Inferences phases. Hyper Model Projects are executable locally as console scripts.

The code in the walk through is found in this repository here: https://github.com/GrowingData/hyper-model/tree/master/demo/car-crashes

Project layout:

  • demo_pkg/
    • demo
      • pipeline.py
      • inference.py
      • shared.py
      • app.Dockerfile
      • start.py
    • setup.py
    • Readme.md

Lets run through the purpose of each file:


This file is reponsible for defining the Python Package that this application will be run as, as per any other python package.

from setuptools import setup, find_packages

NAME = "crashed"
VERSION = "0.0.80"

    entry_points={"console_scripts": ["crashed = crashed.start:main"]},

Of note is that we define a console_script entrypoint which enables us to launch the project via the command line. The examples, and Kubeflow Workflow definitions rely on an entrypoint being defined in this way. E.g. entry_points={"console_scripts": ["crashed = crashed.start:main"]} is important


This is our entrypoint into the application (HmlApp), along with its two central components the HmlPipelineApp (used for data processing and training) and the HmlInferenceApp (used for generating inferences / predictions via Json API).

Main, wrapper method (start.py)

import logging
from typing import Dict, List
from hypermodel import hml
from flask import request

# Import my local modules
from crashed import shared, pipeline, inference

def main():
    # Create a reference to our "App" object which maintains state
    # about both the Inference and Pipeline phases of the model
    app = hml.HmlApp(
        image_url=os.environ["DOCKERHUB_IMAGE"] + ":" + os.environ["CI_COMMIT_SHA"],

  # ... Code from the rest of the walkthrough ...


An HmlApp is responsible for managing both the Pipeline and Inference phases of the application, helping to manage shared functionality, such as the CLI and Kubeflow integration. The HmlApp is also responsible for deploying the HmlPipelineApp to Kubeflow, and deploying the HmlInferenceApp to Kubernetes as a Deployment / Service.

An HmlApp may have multiple HmlPipelines and ModelContainers, but only a single HmlInferenceApp.

The image_url field here is the address of the Docker Image containing a fully functional container with the package installed. When this container is loaded, it should be possible to execute the package_entrypoint script within the container and have this code be exectured.

Note: In the future, the HmlInferenceApp will utilise KFServing.

Define & Register a reference for the ML Model

HyperModel maintains meta data about the Machine Learning model, including information about features, the "target" (e.g. what we are trying to predict). This helps to build re-usable pipeline operations, as we can always rely on having metadata in a certain format.

The actual metadata for this example is defined in shared.py, and can be registered with our HmlApp using the code below:

    crashed_model = shared.crashed_model_container(app)
    app.register_model(shared.MODEL_NAME, crashed_model)

The HmlModelContainer object is also responsible for building the ModelReference during the training / pipeline phase. This ModelReference is then loaded during Initialization of the Inference Application. The ModelReference contains information about the distribution of numeric features, distinct values of categorical features and the all important .joblib file containing the actual model.

Define your Pipeline

    @hml.pipeline(app.pipelines, cron="0 0 * * *", experiment="demos")
    def crashed_pipeline():
        This is where we define the workflow for this pipeline purely
        with method invocations.
        create_training_op = pipeline.create_training()
        create_test_op = pipeline.create_test()
        train_model_op = pipeline.train_model()

        # Set up the dependencies for this model

This method defines the Kubeflow Pipeline crashed_pipeline which will be deployed using the demos experiment within Kubeflow. Each function invocation within the crashed_pipeline() method defines Kubeflow ContainerOps which execute the script_name defined above in config with the correct CLI parameters.

The @hml.pipeline decorator is essentially a wrapper for the Kubeflow SDK's @dsl.pipeline decorator but with additional functionality to enable each ContainerOp to be executed via the command line.

Configure Pipeline Operations for Deployment

Within Kubeflow, all Ops within a Pipeline are executed as invocations of Docker Images managed by Kubernetes. This means that we often need to apply additional configuration for the deployment of these containers.

The @hml.deploy_op decorator lets us configure the Container within the Kubeflow Pipelines Workflow so that we can bind secrets, bind environment variables, mount volumes, etc.

    def op_configurator(op):
        Configure our Pipeline Operation Pods with the right secrets and
        environment variables so that it can work with our cloud
        provider's services
            # Service account for authentication / authorisation
            .with_env("GCP_PROJECT", "grwdt-dev")
            .with_env("GCP_ZONE", "australia-southeast1-a")
            .with_env("K8S_NAMESPACE", "kubeflow")
            .with_env("K8S_CLUSTER", "kf-crashed")
        return op

Define your Inference API

With the model built, we need to think about how we can use the model to make predictions. We do this by defining a method to define routes and initialize our model, decorated with the @hml.inference decorator.

    def crashed_inference(inference_app: hml.HmlInferenceApp):
        # Get a reference to the current version of my model
        model_container = inference_app.get_model(shared.MODEL_NAME)

        # Define our routes here, which can then call other functions with more
        # context
        @inference_app.flask.route("/predict", methods=["GET"])
        def predict():
            logging.info("api: /predict")

            feature_params = request.args.to_dict()
            return inference.predict_alcohol(inference_app, model_container, feature_params)

When the inference application is executed (e.g. with crashed inference run-prod), this function will be executed prior to the Flask application starting. This provides us with an opportunity to load the required model into memory (e.g. from the DataLake) using model_container.load().

With the model loaded into memory, we can also define our routes to actually make predictions. In this example we are simple passing the execution context to the method defined in inference.predict_alcohol().

At present, the InferenceAPI's are deployed using standard Kubernetes Deployments / Services / Ingress. In the future, we plan on migrating this to KFServing.

Configure Inference API for deployment

Again, containers deployed to Kubernetes will require configuration prior to deployment to bind Service Accounts, mount volumes, set resource limits, etc. This is achieved by using the @hml.deploy_inference decorator which enables us to configure / override the default Deployment and Service used to run the Inference API in Kubernetes.

    def deploy_inference(deployment: hml.HmlInferenceDeployment):
        logging.info(f"Preparing deploying: {deployment.deployment_name} ({deployment.k8s_container.image} -> {deployment.k8s_container.args} )")

            .with_empty_dir("tmp", "/temp")
            .with_empty_dir("artifacts", "/artifacts")


This module defines our different pipeline operations, with functions decorated with @hml.op() representing Kubeflow Operations to be run within a Pipeline. Importantly, Kubeflow Operations are designed to be re-used and thus are only bound to a Pipeline at run time, via the function decorated with @hml.pipeline().

It is importand that the pipeline build a "ModelContainer" object, serialized as JSON which contains details about the newly trained model, including a reference to the joblib file defining the final model. This ModelContainer object will be loaded by the InferencesApp


Both the Training and Inference phases of the project will share functionality, especially regarding key elements of pre-processing such as encoding & normalisation. Methods relating to shared functionality live in this file by way of example, but obviously may span multiple modules.


This module provides functionality to create inferences based on data, without all fuss of dealing with Flask, HyperModel or other libraries.

Command Line Interface

All Hyper Model applications can be run from the command line using intuitive commands:

Execute a Pipeline Step

<your_app> pipelines <your_pipeline_name> run <your_pipeline_step>

Run all steps in a Pipeline

<your_app> pipelines <your_pipeline_name> run-all

Deploy your Pipeline to Kubeflow (Development)

<your_app> pipelines <your_pipeline_name> deploy-dev

Deploy your Pipeline to Kubeflow (Production)

<your_app> pipelines <your_pipeline_name> deploy-prod

Serve Inference Requests (dev)

Run using the Flask based development environment

<your_app> inference run-dev

Serve Inference Requests (prod)

Run using the Waitress based serving engine

<your_app> inference run-prod

Deploy the Inference Application

<your_app> inference deploy

Development setup

conda create --name hml-dev python=3.7
activate hml-dev
conda install -n hml-dev mypy pandas joblib flask waitress click tqdm

cd src/hyper-model/
pip install -e ,

Set Visual Studio Code to use the newly created hml-dev environment