The repository contains the sources for both the analytics and SmartAds SDKs. The SDK is distributed as a unitypackage file which can be downloaded from GitHub releases. Import into Unity with Assets->Import Package->Custom Package. If you are updating the SDK it is recommended to remove the Assets/DeltaDNA and Assets/DeltaDNAAds folders before importing the new package.
The analytics SDK is supported in both Unity 4 and Unity 5, whereas SmartAds is only supported in Unity 5.
- Analytics
- Quick Start
- SmartAds
- iOS Integration
- Android Integration
- Forgetting a User (GDPR)
- Migrations
- Editor Integration
- License
Our analytics SDK is written entirely in Unity with no native code requirements. Out of the box it runs on any platform that Unity supports. The easiest way to get started is to download the unitypackage file and import into your Unity project.
For all the information on how to use the analytics SDK, refer to our documentation portal.
Checkout BasicExample
class in Assets\DeltaDNA\Example
to see how to use the SDK. At a minimum you will want to set the environment, Collect, and Engage URLs in the configuration UI accessible from the Editor under DeltaDNA -> Configuration. Finally you will need to start the SDK from a custom MonoBehaviour
On the first run this will create new user id and send a newPlayer
event. On every call it will send a gameStarted
and clientDevice
You can easily record custom events by using the GameEvent
class. Create a GameEvent
with the name of your event schema. Call AddParam
to add custom event parameters to the event. For example:
var gameEvent = new GameEvent("myEvent")
.AddParam("option", "sword")
.AddParam("action", "sell");
Revenue and IAP data should be tracked on the transaction
event. This event contains nested objects that allow for the tracking of both virtual and real currency spending. As detailed in the ISO 4217 standard, not all real currencies have 2 minor units and thus require conversion into a common form. The Product.ConvertCurrency()
method can be used to ensure the correct currency value is sent.
For example, to track a purchase made with 550 JP¥:
new Product().SetRealCurrency("JPY", Product.ConvertCurrency("JPY", 550)) // realCurrencyAmount: 550
And to track a $4.99 purchase:
new Product().SetRealCurrency("USD", Product.ConvertCurrency("USD", 4.99)) // realCurrencyAmount: 499
These will be converted automatically into a convertedProductAmount
parameter that is used as a common currency for reporting.
Receipt validation can also be performed against purchases made via the Google Play Store on Android and the Apple App Store on iOS.
To validate in-app purchases made through the Google Play Store the following parameters should be added to the transaction
- the server for which the receipt should be validated against, in this case 'GOOGLE'transactionReceipt
- the purchase data as a stringtransactionReceiptSignature
- the in-app data signature
To validate in-app purchases made through the Apple App Store the following parameters should be added to the transaction
- the server for which the receipt should be validated against, in this case 'APPLE'transactionReceipt
- the purchase data as a string not as nested JSONtransactionID
- the ID of the in-app purchase e.g 100000576198248
When a transaction
event is received with the above parameters, the receipt will be checked against the relevant store and the resulting event will be tagged with a revenueValidated
parameter to allow for the filtering out of invalid revenue.
All RecordEvent
methods return an EventAction
instance on which EventActionHandler
s can be registered through the Add
method, for handling triggers which match the conditions setup on the Platform for Event-Triggered Campaigns. Once all the handlers have been registered Run()
needs to be called in order for the event triggers to be evaluated and for a matching handler to be run. This happens on the client without any network use and as such it is instantaneous.
RecordEvent(new GameEvent("missionStarted").AddParam("missionLevel", 1))
.Add(new GameParametersHandler(gameParameters => {
// do something with the game parameters
.Add(new ImageMessageHandler(DDNA.Instance, imageMessage => {
// the image message is already prepared so it will show instantly
In Addition to the above mechanism, default handlers can be specified. These will be used every time Run()
is called on an EventAction, after any handlers which have been registered via the Add
These should be Specified before the SDK is started so they can be used to handle internal events such as newPlayer
and gameStarted
but they must be registered after the SDK is initialized.
You can specify these handlers like so:
DDNA.Instance.Settings.DefaultImageMessageHandler =
new ImageMessageHandler(DDNA.Instance, imageMessage =>{
// the image message is already prepared so it will show instantly
DDNA.Instance.Settings.DefaultGameParameterHandler = new GameParametersHandler(gameParameters =>{
// do something with the game parameters
Change the behaviour of the game with an Engagement
. For example:
var engagement = new Engagement("gameLoaded")
.AddParam("userLevel", 4)
.AddParam("experience", 1000)
.AddParam("missionName", "Disco Volante");
DDNA.Instance.RequestEngagement(engagement, (response) =>
// Response is a Dictionary<string, object> of key-values returned from Engage.
// It will be empty if no matching campaign was found or an error occurred.
If you need more control over the response from Engage use DDNA.Instance.RequestEngagement(Engagement engagement, Action<Engagement> onCompleted, Action<Exception> onError)
. This calls the onCompleted callback with the Engagement containing the response from Engage. You can also handle if any errors occur. With this method it is possible to optionally create an ImageMessage
if the Engagement supports it. For example:
var engagement = new Engagement("imageMessage")
.AddParam("userLevel", 4)
.AddParam("experience", 1000)
.AddParam("missionName", "Disco Volante");
DDNA.Instance.RequestEngagement(engagement, (response) => {
ImageMessage imageMessage = ImageMessage.Create(response);
// Check we got an engagement with a valid image message.
if (imageMessage != null) {
imageMessage.OnDidReceiveResources += () => {
// Can show once we've got the resources.
// Download the image message resources.
else {
// Engage didn't return an image message.
}, (exception) => {
Debug.Log("Engage reported an error: "+exception.Message);
To register a user for cross promotion between multiple games the user needs to sign into a service which can provide unique user identification. Once the user has been signed in the ID can be set in the SDK:
DDNA.Instance.CrossGameUserId = crossGameUserId;
On the next session the SDK will download a new configuration with cross promotion campaigns relevant to the user.
When a cross promotion campaign with a store action has been acted on by the user, the SDK will return the store link for the currently set platform:
.Add(new ImageMesageHandler(DDNA.Instance, imageMessage => {
imageMessage.OnStore += (args) => {
// act on store action with value 'args.ActionValue'
Integrating SmartAds into your Unity project requires native code extensions which we supply separately. More information on how to access our SmartAds platform is here. We support iOS and Android platforms.
Most ad networks will start showing ads without additional setup, but the branded networks (HyprMX, LoopMe and ThirdPresence) and Facebook require additional work. If you're just starting out, pick some of the automatic ones first to familiarise yourself with the SDK, then speak to us.
The quickest way to learn how to use SmartAds is to checkout out the example scene in Assets\DeltaDNA\Example
. The SmartAdsExample
class shows how to use both interstitial and rewarded ads. Support for SmartAds is enabled when the Analytics SDK is started. The DDNASmartAds
class defines a number of events which you can register callbacks with to be notified when an ad has opened or closed.
If everything went well the SmartAds service will start fetching ads in the background. The DDNASmartAds
class provides the following delegates to report if the service was successfully configured:
- Called when interstitial ads have been successfully configured.OnDidFailToRegisterForInterstitialAds
- Called if interstitial ads can't be configured for some reason.OnDidRegisterForRewardedAds
- Called when rewarded ads have successfully been configured.OnDidFailToRegisterForRewardedAds
- Called when rewarded ads can't be configured for some reason.
The simplest way to showing an interstitial ad is by creating an instance of InterstitialAd
and calling Show()
. The result should be null-checked after Create()
is called as the creation may fail if the time or session limits have been exceeded.
InterstitialAd ad = InterstitialAd.Create();
if (ad != null) {
Rewarded ads are created in a similar way, but with the RewardedAd
class instead.
Ads can be controlled via Engage by using the EngageFactory
and calling one of the RequestInterstitialAd
or RequestRewardedAd
methods. Unlike with an ImageMessage
the factory will always return a non-null ad object in the callback. The isReady
method returns true if the ad is ready to show, this checks that an ad has loaded from the network and the Engage rules are satisfied.
(ad) => { /* do something with the ad */});
Alternatively, if more control over the possible Engage responses is needed, Engage checked ads can be created by performing an Engage request and then creating an InterstitialAd
or RewardedAd
instance from the returned Engagement
. The following example shows how to handle Engage returning an ad or an image message.
Engagement engagement = new Engagement("showAdOrImageMessage")
(response) => {
RewardedAd ad = RewardedAd.Create(engagement);
ImageMessage image = ImageMessage.Create(engagement);
if (image != null) {
// code for showing the Image Message
} else if (ad != null) {
Checkout the included example project for more details.
Callbacks can be added to the following events to be notified when an ad has opened or closed.
- Called when you have successfully enabled interstitial ads for your game.OnDidFailToRegisterForInterstitialAds
- Called if interstitial ads are unavailable for some reason. A string parameter reports a possible error.OnDidRegisterForRewardedAds
- Called when you have successfully enabled rewarded ads for your game.OnDidFailToRegisterForRewardedAds
- Called if rewarded ads are unavailable for some reason. A string parameter reports a possible error.
The InterstitialAd
class supports the following event callbacks:
- Called when an ad is opened.OnInterstitialAdFailedToOpen
- Called when an ad fails to show.OnInterstitialAdClosed
- Called when an ad is closed.
The RewardedAd
class supports the following event callbacks:
- Called when an ad is loaded.OnRewardedAdExpired
- Called when an ad has expired due to another ad being currently shown.OnRewardedAdOpened
- Called when an ad is opened.OnRewardedAdFailedToOpen
- Called when an ad fails to show.OnRewardedAdClosed
- Called when an ad is closed. A boolean parameter indicates if the user had watched enough of the ad to be rewarded.
By default user consent is not given for advertising user tracking and the user is assumed to not be age restricted (16 and over). These settings can be changed through the Settings
class by calling DDNA.Instance.Settings
and changing the advertising properties. Changes to either of the values while SmartAds is running will take effect during the next session.
More details on what ads are being loaded and shown can be turned on by enabling debug notifications from the configuration UI, accessible from DeltaDNA -> Configure in the Unity Editor. Please note that this option is only available in development mode and should never be used for production builds. On iOS a minimum build target of iOS 10 is required.
To support iOS push notifications you need to call IosNotifications.RegisterForPushNotifications()
. This uses Unity's NotificationServices
to request a push token and then reports it back to us in a notificationServices
event. You will also need to enter the game's associated APNs certificate into our platform.
We record if your game was started by the player clicking on a push notification. However to make this work properly the DDNA
game object has to be loaded early on in the scene which the game launches with. This can be achieved by adding a delegate to OnDidLaunchWithPushNotification
in the Awake
method of a game object that manages the SDK.
To remove push notification support for iOS the following files will need to be removed from the project:
After the deletion of these two files iOS push notifications will no longer be enabled for the project and the APIs will not be available. Please note that when updating the SDK these files will be re-imported back into the project.
We use CocoaPods to install our SmartAds library plus the 3rd party ad network libraries via Google's Unity Jar Resolver plugin. The plugin runs pod install
when a project is being built to download the dependencies and create the Unity-iPhone.xcworkspace. You will need to open the workspace file since Unity doesn't know about this. Clicking Build and Run is therefore not supported. The latest versions (5.6) will open and build the workspace if it exists so clicking Build and Run works fine.
The ad networks require a minimum target version of 9. If a lower version is used cocoapods will fail and no xcworkspace file will be generated.
To select which ad networks should be included in the game select DeltaDNA from the Unity menu bar, navigate to SmartAds -> Select Networks, which will open a tab with the settings. The ad networks can now be selected or deselected, and clicking Apply will persist the changes.
If you make changes to the enabled networks the changes to the Dependencies.xml
file should be committed to version control.
Although no longer officially supported the sdk will build with Unity 4.7.2, but you will need to make a couple of manual changes:
- Move files under Assets/DeltaDNA/[Ads]/Plugins/iOS to Assets/Plugins/iOS.
- The UnityJarResolver will run and generate a Podfile, but it won't build the project. Edit the Podile and set "integrate_targets => true", then run pod install manually from the command line. Open the resulting workspace.
- Under Build Phases -> Compile Sources add the -fobj-arc flag to DDNAUnityNotificationsPlugin.m.
When building an APK to be distributed on the Amazon Appstore then the platform needs to be changed to the Platform.AMAZON
enum before StartSDK
is called.
DDNA.Instance.Platform = DeltaDNA.Platform.AMAZON;
Any library dependencies such as Google's Firebase (Google Play Services) are handled by Google's Unity Jar Resolver plugin. The libraries will be automatically downloaded into the Assets/Plugins/Android folder. If you have other Unity plugins in your application which don't use the Resolver for downloading dependencies you may want to consider using the Resolver to manage their dependencies as well, otherwise you may have to manually resolve any conflicts.
Our push notifications use Firebase messaging (this was changed in version 4.3, if you're upgrading see the migration guide below). In order to configure notifications you will need to set the Application and Sender IDs from the configuration UI, which can be accessed from the Unity Editor menu under DeltaDNA -> Configure. The IDs can be found in the Firebase Console for your application (1, 2, and 3). Pressing Apply will persist the changes to resource files in your project, which should be committed to source control.
If your application is setup using the Google Cloud Console you can find instructions here on how to migrate the project to Firebase. Firebase projects are backwards compatible with applications using Google Cloud Messaging.
The style of the push notifications can be changed by overriding the behaviour of the library. Instructions on how to do this can be found here. Once you have added either the modified library or added the new classes as a separate library you will need to change the Listener Service field in the configuration to the fully qualified name of your new class.
If you no longer wish to use push notifications on Android then you can remove the Assets/Plugins/Android/deltadna-sdk-unity-notifications folder and Assets/DeltaDNA/Editor/Android/Dependencies.xml from the project to decrease the number of methods and the APK size of your game.
If you make changes to the enabled networks the changes to the Dependencies.xml
file should be committed to version control.
The libraries will be downloaded when Apply is selected in the configuration UI or by selecting Assets -> Play Services Resolver -> Android Resolver -> Force Resolve. We recommend doing this after updating the DeltaDNA SDK, or after pulling changes from version control. The SDK will try to detect when the downloaded libraries are stale and log a warning in the Editor console.
- Export your Unity project using the Gradle build system. These options can be found in the Build Settings dialog.
- Open the exported project in Android Studio and select to use the Gradle wrapper if asked to.
- Open the top-level build.gradle file for your project and apply the MultiDex workaround as described here.
The permissions which the Android libraries request can be overriden through the use of the Android manifest merger. For example, if you would like to remove the maxSdkVersion
attribute for the WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE
permission then you can specify the following in your manifest file:
In case the above still causes conflicts during manifest merging then the following can be used in the manifest file instead:
Some ad networks will also try to request additional permissions, such as android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE
, android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS
, android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION
, and android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION
. You may remove these from your application by adding the following lines to your manifest like in the previous case:
You will need to do this for each permission that you would like to remove. Please note that with some of these permissions removed the performance of the ad networks could decrease.
When using an older version of Unity, such as 4.7, the following steps need to be followed in order to include our SDKs in a project:
- Install Android SDK Tools revision 25.2.5 for Windows|Linux|Mac OS X.
- Open the Android SDK Manager.
- Install Android SDK Platform-tools 27, Android SDK Build-tools 27.0.2, SDK Platform 26, Android Support Repository, and Google Repository.
- Point the Unity Editor to use the newly installed Android SDK Tools.
- In the Unity Editor set the Minimum API Level to 15.
If SmartAds is imported into the project then the Minimum API Level needs to be set to 16 and LoopMe needs to be removed from the ad networks. Additional networks may need to be deselected in order to workaround Android's dex limit when using Unity's older build chain.
If a user no longer wishes to be tracked and would like to be forgotten the ForgetMe()
API can be used. This will stop the SDK from sending/receiving any further information to/from the Platform, as well as initiating a data deletion request on behalf of the user. The SDK will continue to work as it normally would, without any additional work required.
If a user only wants to stop sending new data, consenting to keep already collected data in our system, the StopTrackingMe()
method can be used instead. This will function the same as ForgetMe()
, except the data deletion request will not be sent, thus any data associated with that user will remain on the platform. It is possible to initiate a ForgetMe()
request after the StopTrackingMe()
request if requested by the user.
If the game supports changing of users then calling StartSdk(userID)
with a new user ID or ClearPersistentData()
will restore the previous SDK functionality.
Configuring which networks should be used for SmartAds has been changed by adding menu items to the Unity Editor, which removes some of the error-prone manual steps. For Android there's no longer the need to have Python installed or set the Android SDK directory in order to download the library dependencies, as the menu item for this task will take care of the steps. If you make changes to the selected networks you will need to commit the changes made to the build.gradle and/or Podfile to your version control, in order for the rest of your team to use the changes.
Since we've had to change how the SmartAds networks are defined you may need to look over the selected networks in case you had previously removed any of them for your project.
Between version 4.2 and version 4.3 we updated our push notifications to use Firebase (play-services-*-10.2). This requires changing the way push notification integration works. To better manage the Android dependencies we now use Google's Unity Jar Resolver. This allows other plugins to also specify dependencies on the Firebase/Play-Services libraries and the Unity Jar Resolver will work out which library to use, hopefully reducing duplicate library errors at build time.
IosNetworksLoadHelper.cs should be deleted from Assets/DeltaDNA/Ads/Editor/Menus/Networks/ as the file has been replaced by InitialisationHelper.cs.
- Assets/DeltaDNA and Assets/DeltaDNAAds should be deleted before importing the new SDK to avoid class conflicts and retaining unused files in the project.
- DDNA.StartSDK() methods which take the environment key, Collect, and Engage URLs have been deprecated in favour of configuring these through the UI accessed from the Editor menu under DeltaDNA -> Configure and a simpler DDNA.StartSDK() method.
- SmartAds needs to be enabled from the configuration UI.
- DDNASmartAds.RegisterForAds() has been deprecated and will now be called as part of starting the Analytics SDK.
- Methods for checking if ads are available and showing them from the
instance have been removed in favour of using theInterstitialAd
objects. See here for more details.
methods have been changed to return anEventAction
object, which can be used for Event-Triggered Campaigns. This means that chaining calls on theDDNA
SDK instance after callingRecordEvent
is no longer supported.
You can run a health check once you've upgraded the SDK to identify mistakes related to previous versions, such as conflicting configuration entries and duplicate libraries. It can be accessed from the Editor menu under DeltaDNA -> Health Check SDK. Please note that there could still be issues with your project which the utility may be unable to detect. Always consult the documentation for more details.
After importing the new DeltaDNA SDK package into your project make sure to remove the old deltadna-sdk-notifications AAR file from Assets/DeltaDNA/Plugins/Android. You also need to remove any play-services and support AAR and JAR libraries in that location as they will cause conflicts with the libraries downloaded by the Unity Jar Resolver.
As with any SDK update you should update the Android SmartAds libraries from Assets -> Play Services Resolver -> Android Resolver -> Force Resolve.
We have added a UI for configuring push notifications on Android, which can be accessed from the menu of the Unity Editor under DeltaDNA -> Configure. You will need to fill in the Application and Sender IDs from the Firebase Console for your application if you'd like to use notifications or have been using them with a previous version of our SDK.
We highly recommend removing any entries previously added for DeltaDNA notifications from the AndroidManifest.xml file in Assets/Plugins/Android as they may conflict with the Firebase implementation. If you never added anything else to the manifest file then you can probably remove it altogether. For more details on which XML attributes to remove take a look here. In addition you will also be able to remove the string resource from Assets/Plugins/Android/res/values which contains your application's Sender ID.
If you no longer wish to use notifications then remove the Assets/Plugins/Android/deltadna-sdk-unity-notifications and Assets/DeltaDNA/Plugins/Android folders from your project.
Your event schema can be viewed without leaving the Unity editor! In order to use this feature, you will need to set up an API key in the deltaDNA platform . Please see here for details on how to do this.
Once the API key has been configured, it can be entered in the Unity editor under "DeltaDNA" -> "Event Definitions...". Once entered, you can select the environment that you'd like to see the event schema for.
The settings for this feature are stored in ddna_api_configuation.xml
- please commit this file to source control after you have set your API Key through that menu.
The sources are available under the Apache 2.0 license.
For more information, please visit For questions or assistance, please email us at