
A simple script for sending messages to kestrel. this is working like tail commands.

Primary LanguagePython

A simple script for sending messages to kestrel. this is working like tail commands. stdin also support! ;)


$ kestrel_tail --queue your_queue_name --host_ports kestrel_hosts1:22133 kestrel_hosts2:22133 --rewind true --num_threads 10 -lv DEBUG your_file_name

$ kestrel_tail --help
usage: kestrel_tail [-h] [-v] -q QUEUE [-n NUM_THREADS]
                    [-l [HOST_PORTS [HOST_PORTS ...]]] [--rewind REWIND]
                    [--follow_delay FOLLOW_DELAY]
                    [--read_line_buf_size READ_LINE_BUF_SIZE]
                    [--flush_interval FLUSH_INTERVAL]
                    [--fail_store_path FAIL_STORE_PATH]
                    [--fail_store_log_rotate_when {S,M,H,D,W,midnight}]
                    [--fail_store_log_rotate_rollover_interval FAIL_STORE_LOG_ROTATE_ROLLOVER_INTERVAL]
                    [--fail_store_backup_count FAIL_STORE_BACKUP_COUNT]
                    [-lv LOG_LEVEL] [-lp LOG_FILE_PATH]

Follow file and send data to kestrel.

positional arguments:
  FILE                  File to follow. if not given, use stdin.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --version         show program's version number and exit
  -q QUEUE, --queue QUEUE
                        queue name
  -n NUM_THREADS, --num_threads NUM_THREADS
                        number of worker threads
  -l [HOST_PORTS [HOST_PORTS ...]], --host_ports [HOST_PORTS [HOST_PORTS ...]]
                        ketrel host:port pairs (default:
                        -l myhost1:port myhost2:port
  --rewind REWIND       start read the file from the beginning (default:
  --follow_delay FOLLOW_DELAY
                        follow file delay(Sec) (default: 0.5)
  --read_line_buf_size READ_LINE_BUF_SIZE
                        read line buffer size (default: 0)
  --flush_interval FLUSH_INTERVAL
                        flush read line buffer interval(Sec) (default: 0.0)
  --fail_store_path FAIL_STORE_PATH
                        store path to write kestrel send failed data (default:
                        same with FILE's directory)
  --fail_store_log_rotate_when {S,M,H,D,W,midnight}
                        fail store log rotate when depending on the rollover
                        interval (default: H). for more information, visit htt
  --fail_store_log_rotate_rollover_interval FAIL_STORE_LOG_ROTATE_ROLLOVER_INTERVAL
                        fail store log rotate rollover interval(default: 1)
  --fail_store_backup_count FAIL_STORE_BACKUP_COUNT
                        fail store file backup count (default: 5)
  -lv LOG_LEVEL, --log_level LOG_LEVEL
                        logging level(default: ERROR)
  -lp LOG_FILE_PATH, --log_file_path LOG_FILE_PATH
                        log file path. if not given, stderr will be used.