Popping Dance Style Classification Through Inception V3 Feature Extraction and LSTM Classification

This program classifies Popping Dance Styles through using Inception V3 for feature extraction and LSTM for classification, as proposed by Harvey (2017) in his blog, Five Video Classification Methods. This metholodogy was applied to my own dataset composed of 1310 Popping Dance style videos under 14 classes.

See this link for the full details of the said blog https://medium.com/@harvitronix/five-video-classification-methods-implemented-in-keras-and-tensorflow-99cad29cc0b5

The whole methodology for method #4 (as adopted in this project) is seen in the same link. Refer to this for his github repository Popping-Dance-Style-Classification


Keras>=2.0.2 numpy>=1.12.1 pandas>=0.19.2 tqdm>=4.11.2 matplotlib>=2.0.0 Pillow>=2.1.0 h5py>=2.7.0

see requirements.py

ffmpeg https://www.ffmpeg.org/ VideoPad http://www.nchsoftware.com/videopad/index.html

How to Use

This code requires Keras 2 and TensorFlow 1 or greater installed. Please see the requirements.txt file. To ensure you're up to date, run:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Get the dataset

Download the dataset in the data folder. Download the data from https://drive.google.com/open?id=170nlQKM58cw_h-GKBa6YoxzHJLFNnS_i and copy it to data folder

Working with the data

Still in the data folder, unrar e 14PDSC.rar

Create folders with mkdir train && mkdir test && mkdir sequences && mkdir checkpoints

Now, move videos to appropriate folders and extract frames:

python 1_move_files.py

python 2_extract_files.py

Extracting features

Go to the main folder. Extract feature with extract_features.py


To train run train.py. The model is defined at models.py

To see progress while training, run tensorboard --logdir=data/logs


To validate, run validate_rnn.py


The model resulted to a 93% accuracy and 26% loss.


Methodology Citation

Harvey, M. (2017). Five video classification methods implemented in Keras and TensorFlow [Blog Post]. Retrieved from https://blog.coast.ai/five-video-classification -methods-implemented-in-keras-and-tensorflow-99cad29cc0b5