
Module for unloading previously loaded modules

Primary LanguageLua

Hot code reloader for Tarantool 1.6+


package.reload is a Lua package for hot-reloading Tarantool packages. It may come in handy if you have a large in-memory dataset and need to often deploy code changes.

How it works

When first loaded, package.reload lists all the currently loaded packages without reloading them:

tarantool> require('package.reload')
1st load. loaded: fiber, ffi, io, http.client.driver, console, digest, json, uri, jit.dis_x64, box.internal.gc, crypto, net.box, internal.argparse, jit.bcsave, jit.opt, uuid, fio, pwd, internal.trigger, jit.p, jit.vmdef, os, string, debug, jit.profile, socket, tap, coroutine, net.box.lib, jit.dump, pickle, msgpack, jit.dis_x86, box.backup, jit, jit.v, buffer, box, yaml, xlog, errno, bit, box.internal, jit.zone, package, msgpackffi, csv, jit.bc, help.en_US, title, box.internal.session, tarantool, strict, fun, table.new, math, help, table.clear, _G, http.client, jit.util, log, table, clock, iconv

On subsequent calls, package.reload reloads all the packages that have been loaded since the previous call to package.reload. Suppose you have loaded three packages: avro_schema, expirationd, and memcached. Then after calling package.reload you should see a similar output:

tarantool> package.reload()
2nd load. Unloading {memcached, expirationd, avro_schema.compiler, avro_schema.runtime, avro_schema.il, avro_schema, avro_schema.backend, avro_schema.frontend}
reload:cleanup finished