
Developer challenge

Primary LanguageHaskell

Amplified Developer Challenge

Build Status

Build status & test results for commits to the master branch are available at https://travis-ci.org/moonlightdrive/amplified-challenge.


Documentation can be viewed at moonlightdrive.github.io/amplified-challenge/.

Building docs

The documentation can be built with

cabal haddock --executables

You will find the generted docs in the folder dist/doc/html/amplified-challenge/amplified-challenge/.

Building and Running

This project can be built and run from source or with docker.

From Source

git clone https://github.com/moonlightdrive/amplified-challenge.git
cd amplified-challenge
cabal sandbox init
cabal install --only-dependencies
cabal configure
cabal build

The webserver should now be running on localhost:3000. Check it out with curl,

curl -v -X GET 'localhost:3000/?input[]=2&input[]=5' --globoff

With Docker

    # or get the Dockerfile onto your system any other way you please
    wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/moonlightdrive/amplified-challenge/master/Dockerfile
    # Build container
    docker build -t amplified-challenge .
    # Run container. $PORT is a port of your choice. 3000 should be okay but 8080 isn't a bad choice either
    docker run --rm -p $PORT:3000 amplified-challenge

From another terminal,

    curl -v -X GET 'localhost:$PORT/?input[]=2&input[]=5' --globoff