A Human Docum•nt: an •xpurgated nov•l for NaNoGenMo 2017
In Tom Phillips' A Humument (1973), he took an obscure Victorian Novel, A Human Document, and painted and collaged over the pages to make a new book. In that spirit, I downloaded scans of A Human Document from archive.org, and wrote a program which blots out all the e's in the book. The expurgator gets angrier and more forceful as the book progresses.
This is a project for NaNoGenMo 2017, the yearly challenge to write a program to generate a novel.
Why did I make a trailer?
over at NaNoGenMo/2017#115
The code is a bit of a mess because I put it together in parts over several years. It probably won't run without some fiddling.
I downloaded all the scanned pages of the original book and submitted them to ABBYY's online OCR service, 6 pages per image. I've lost the code that I used to submit the images. The result was one XML document for each set of 6 pages. All the OCR XMLs are in 6ocrsFrom6ups
The processing sketch inhumument.pde
(with its helper classes CharInfo.pde
, WordInfo.pde
, LineInfo.pde
and PageInfo.pde
) reads in all the XML documents and the original image files, and generates output in the form of two-page spreads. It does two pages at a time so it can simulate the bleed-through of the expurgation markings from one face of each page to the other.
I plan to do more ambitious projects with this pile of images and data in the future!