
Social network for 140-character javascript visual demos with canvas.

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


A platform to write visual art in javascript limited to 140 characters.

Available on dwitter.net

Join the chat on Discord


Inspired by arkt.is/t/

Pre-requisites and first-time installation

  • Install npm
  • sudo apt install npm
  • Get packages needed for server and clone the repository
  • sudo apt install git virtualenv python-pip
  • git clone https://github.com/lionleaf/dwitter.git


  • make setup (set up virtual environment)
  • source venv/bin/activate (activate virtual environment)
  • make (install dependencies and set up database)
  • python manage.py createsuperuser (create admin account used below)
  • make run runs the server. Use make serve instead if you're working inside a VM with port forwarding. (
  • go to http://localhost:8000/admin/sites/, login with admin account created above, click on the one entry, and change both domain name and display name to localhost:8000.
  • Make sure http://dweet.localhost:8000/ returns a django error. May not work in Firefox.

Other commands

  • make migrations
  • make migrate
  • make lint
    • lints Python and JS files
    • automatically fixes some JS issues (mostly whitespace-related)
  • make shell
  • make backup
  • make restore-backup

Dwitter API


GET www.dwitter.net/api/dweets/  - list of the last 10 dweets
       ?limit=100            - number of results to return, default 10, max 100 (subject to change)
       &offset=200           - offset page by 200 dweets
       &remix_of=123         - all remixes of 123
       &author=lionleaf      - dweets by author

GET www.dwitter.net/api/dweets/123  - get details about d/123

Latest dweet: https://www.dwitter.net/api/dweets/?limit=1 (sorted by posted date by default)


GET dwitter.net/api/users/lionleaf  - Show details about user 'lionleaf'.