
aliyun-mq-python sdk

Primary LanguageC++

Aliyun MQ Python SDK

  • 适用于 aliyun rocketmq
  • aliyun rocketmq 基于开源的 rocketmq,进行了优化、调整,故不能直接使用 github 上的 apache/rocketmq-client-python
  • aliyun mq python sdk,通过 boost::python 库,将 aliyun mq c++ sdk 暴露为 python 可用的模块。
  • boost::python library is a framework for interfacing Python and C++. It allows you to quickly and seamlessly expose C++ classes functions and objects to Python, and vice-versa, using no special tools -- just your C++ compiler.

Python Runtime Version

  • python 2.7.x
  • python 3.6.x, python 3.7.x

Dependency of Python Client

Build and Install

# 适用于 centos7
# 注: 须 cd 到 project 根目录下

# use ons-cpp-v2.0.0-beta sdk

# python2
# sh install-v2.0.0-beta.sh 2
# python3.6.x, 3.7.x
sh install-v2.0.0-beta.sh 3

注: 若安装 python3 时没有将 python3 动态链接库 .so 编译出来(ldconfig -v | grep python 没有输出 libpython3.so -> libpython3.so), 还需执行 sh cp_ld_libpython.sh 3


  • sync producer

    python sample/test_producer.py
    python3 sample/test_producer.py
  • push consumer

    python sample/test_consumer.py
    python3 sample/test_consumer.py