
Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Web for AI


A library that provides a web interface for AI


  • Ultra-precise HTML2Markdown conversion
  • Ultra-precise Markdown segmentation based on AST
  • Ultra-precise HTML retrieval functions using headless browsers
  • The core functionality is edge-native (runs on Cloudflare Workers!!!)
  • Command-line interface for easy use without coding


There is a demo API for Html2Markdown deployed on CloudflareWorker. Please access the following link


As a library

To use WebforAI as a library in your project, install it along with playwright:

pnpm i webforai playwright

As a CLI tool

To use WebforAI as a command-line tool, install it globally:

npm install -g webforai

Quick Start

Using as a library

Just install and execute scripts

import { promises as fs } from "fs";
import { htmlToMarkdown, htmlToMdast } from "webforai";
import { loadHtml } from "webforai/loaders/playwright";

const url = "https://www.npmjs.com/package/webforai";
const html = await loadHtml(url);

const markdown = htmlToMarkdown(html, { baseUrl: url });

await fs.writeFile("output.md", markdown);

other examples are in examples

Using as a CLI tool

After installing globally, you can use the webforai command:

webforai https://www.npmjs.com/package/webforai output.md

This will fetch the HTML from the specified URL, convert it to Markdown, and save it to output.md.

For more CLI options, run:

webforai --help



Main Functions

htmlToMarkdown(html: string, options?: HtmlToMarkdownOptions): string
Convert HTML to Markdown. By default, unnecessary HTML is excluded and processed. If solveLinks is specified, the relative links in the Mdast will be resolved. This function just calls htmlToMdast and mdastToMarkdown in that order internally.

htmlToMdast(html: string, options?: HtmlToMdastOptions): Mdast
This project uses Hast and Mdast as defined by syntax-tree internally. This function converts HTML to Mdast, an intermediate representation, which is required when using mdastSplitter, etc.

mdastToMarkdown(mdast: Mdast | RootContent[], options?: { solveLinks?: string }): string
Convert Mdast to Markdown. If solveLinks is specified, the relative links in the Mdast will be resolved.

Loader Functions

loadHtml(url: string, options?: LoadHtmlOptions): Promise<string>
Load HTML from the specified URL. This function uses Playwright internally.

CLI Commands

webforai <source?> <outputPath?> [options] Converts the HTML at the specified URL or path to Markdown and saves it to an output file. Arguments and options can be specified in the interactive interface even if they are not specified.

  • source
    The URL or path to the HTML file to convert.
  • outputPath The path to save the output Markdown file.


  • --mode <mode>
    Specify the mode to use for conversion. Options are default and ai. Default is default.
  • --loader <loader>
    Specify the loader to use for fetching HTML. Options are fetch, playwright and puppeteer. Default is fetch.
  • --baseUrl <baseUrl> Specify the base URL to use for relative links in the output Markdown.
  • -o --stdout
    Output the converted Markdown to the console instead of saving it to a file.
  • -d --debug
    Enable debug mode. This will output additional information to the console.

webforai --help Displays help information for the CLI tool.


  1. Fork it!
  2. Create your feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
  3. Add your changes: git add .
  4. Commit your changes: git commit -am 'Add some feature'
  5. Add a changelog: pnpm changeset
  6. Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
  7. Submit a pull request 😎