A python library for conducting interleaving, which comparing two or multiple rankers based on observed user clicks by interleaving their results.
A/B testing is a well-known technique for comparing two or more systems based on user behaviors in a production environment, and has been used for improving the quality of systems in many services. Interleaving, which can be an alternative to A/B testing for comparing rankings, has shown x100 efficiency compared to A/B testing1, 2. Since the efficiency matters a lot in particular for many alternatives in comparison, interleaving is a promising technique for user-based ranking evaluation. This library aims to provide most of the algorithms that have been proposed in the literature.
- Balanced interleaving3
- Team draft interleaving4
- Probabilistic interleaving5
- Optimized interleaving6
- Team draft multileaving7
- Probabilistic multileaving8
- Optimized multileaving7
- Roughly optimized multileaving9
Note that probabilistic interleaving and probabilistic multileaving use
different strategies to select a ranker from which a document is selected.
In the original papers,
probabilistic interleaving samples a ranker with replacement,
i.e. one of the two rankers is sampled at every document selection.
Probabilistic multileaving samples a ranker without replacement.
Let D be a set of all the rankers.
A ranker is sampled from D without replacement.
When D is empty, all the rankers are put into D again.
has an keyword argument replace
by which either of these
strategies can be used.
- Numpy
- Scipy
- Pulp
and its prerequisites can be installed by
$ pip install git+https://github.com/mpkato/interleaving.git
An alternative can be
$ git clone git+https://github.com/mpkato/interleaving.git
$ cd interleaving
$ python setup.py install
>>> import interleaving
>>> a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] # Ranking 1
>>> b = [4, 3, 5, 1, 2] # Ranking 2
>>> method = interleaving.TeamDraft([a, b]) # initialize an interleaving method
>>> ranking = method.interleave() # interleaving
>>> ranking
[1, 4, 2, 3, 5]
>>> clicks = [0, 2] # observed clicks, i.e. documents 1 and 2 are clicked
>>> result = interleaving.TeamDraft.evaluate(ranking, clicks)
>>> result # (0, 1) indicates Ranking 1 won Ranking 2.
[(0, 1)]
>>> clicks = [1, 3] # observed clicks, i.e. documents 4 and 3 are clicked
>>> result = interleaving.TeamDraft.evaluate(ranking, clicks)
>>> result # (1, 0) indicates Ranking 2 won Ranking 1.
[(1, 0)]
>>> clicks = [0, 1] # observed clicks, i.e. documents 1 and 4 are clicked
>>> result = interleaving.TeamDraft.evaluate(ranking, clicks)
>>> result # if (0, 1) or (1, 0) does not appear in the result,
>>> # it indicates a tie between Rankings 1 and 2.
- Chapelle et al. "Large-scale Validation and Analysis of Interleaved Search Evaluation." ACM TOIS 30.1 (2012): 6.
- Schuth, Hofmann, Radlinski. "Predicting Search Satisfaction Metrics with Interleaved Comparisons." SIGIR 2015.
- Joachims. "Evaluating retrieval performance using clickthrough data". Text Mining 2003.
- Radlinski, Kurup, and Joachims. "How does clickthrough data reflect retrieval quality?" CIKM 2008.
- Hofmann, Whiteson, and de Rijke. "A probabilistic method for inferring preferences from clicks." CIKM 2011.
- Radlinski and Craswell. "Optimized Interleaving for Online Retrieval Evaluation." WSDM 2013.
- Schuth et al. "Multileaved Comparisons for Fast Online Evaluation." CIKM 2014.
- Schuth et al. "Probabilistic Multileave for Online Retrieval Evaluation." SIGIR 2015.
- Manabe et al. "A Comparative Live Evaluation of Multileaving Methods on a Commercial cQA Search", SIGIR 2017.
MIT License (see LICENSE file).