
  • The project is to make an application that shows one's information from 42 intra website, using the latest 42 API.
  • Used of Alomafire, SwiftyJson, SVPreogressHUD

Swift version 4.2.1 Xcode Version 10.1

Mandatory Part :

  • Must have at least 2 Views
  • The first View must contain an input text to search 42 logins
  • Display the profile picture and at least 4 other details
  • Display the skills with level and percentage
  • Display the projects that user has done
  • Must be able to go back to the first view
  • Must use Auto Layout
  • Do not create a token for each quary

Bonus :

  • Use of Oauth2
  • Use of custom cells
  • Recreate token at expire date
  • Design
  • Srcollview