
Download post contents from fantia.jp, you can take a look what I found in link below before you use this

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

What is Fantia downloader?

Fantia, which is a platform to share photos and arts.
This downloader is for those who wants to download all medias (both image and video) that created by specific creator.


Getting Started

To start download, following is steps:

  1. Copy .env.example to .env and configure it well.
  2. Run yarn install to install required packages.
  3. Run node . to start program.
  4. CLI will ask for first post id to start, enter first post id to start download automatically!

Note: Post ID can found in URL, for example, if URL is https://fantia.jp/posts/123456, then it should be 123456.
Note 2: There will have a cooldown between two post for avoid too many requests.

If you found that always display 0 asset to download, please make sure SESSION_ID is up-to-date (brand new).

Environment Variables


Where downloaded files to save, both relative and absolute are acceptable.


This value is used for access member only resources.

To get this value, please follow these steps:

  1. Login to Fantia with your browser.
  2. Open DevTools in your browser, which usually can open by press F12.
  3. Switch to Network tab in DevTools, you will see network requests.
  4. Choose any request which is sent by POST method.
  5. Switch to Cookies tab, which is a sub tab of Network tab.
  6. You will find a cookie named _session_id, copy that value and paste here.


Avaliable options: forward, backward.

Forward, means it will go to next post after current post downloaded (To newer post).
Backward, means it will go to previous post after current post downloaded (To older post).

Known Issues

Forbidden characters in name on windows (resolved, with side effect)

On windows, there are some characters are forbidden in a file or directory name, so I replaced them into + character.

Following characters will be replaced into + character: /, \, ?, %, *, :, |, ", <, >.