- Dungeon Stomp for DirectX12 is here https://github.com/moonwho101/DungeonStompDirectX12
Dungeon Stomp DirectX11 with Vertex and Pixel shaders (blinn-phong).
- Dungeon Stomp is a DirectX11 3D dungeon game that uses Direct3D, DirectInput and XAudio2.
- It is a complete game with level advancement and 19 levels.
- Lighting uses blinn-phong pixel shaders with help from Frank Luna's DirectX12 book.
- Used the DirectX11 SimpleSample to demonstrate switching between Directx9.0c and Directx11 in the same application.
- XBOX game controller is supported.
It will compile using Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 community edition.
- Confirm VC++ INCLUDE directory has .\Include
- Confirm VC++ LIB directory has .\Lib\x64
If you have any questions email me at mlongo@aptisense.com or visit www.aptisense.com to download game installer. Happy Dungeon Stomping - Breeyark!
- WSAD to move, E to JUMP
- SPACE to open doors.
- Q/Z to cycle weapons/spells
- MOUSE Left button = attack, MOUSE Right button move forward
- G - Toggle gravity (+/- move up, move down)
- I - Disable music
- P - Random music
- X - Give experience points
- K - Give all weapons and spells
- ] = Next Dungeon Level
- [ = Previous Dungeon Level
Dungeon Stomp would not have been possible without the amazing MD2 models made by the following authors:
- ALPHA werewolf [ Author: Andrew "ALPHAwolf" Gilmour ]
- Bauul [ Author: Evil Bastard ]
- Centaur [ Author: Scarecrow ]
- Bug (Q2) [ Author: Tatey ]
- Corpse [ Author: Neuralstasis ]
- Demoness (Succubus) [ Author: Pascal "Firebrandt" Jurock ]
- Dragon Knight [ Author: Michael 'Magarnigal' Mellor ]
- Fulimo [ Author: Tim ]
- Goblin [ Author: Conrad ]
- Grey [ Author: RichB ]
- Hellspawn [ Author: Alcor ]
- Hueteotl [ Author: Evil Bastard ]
- Hydralisk [ Author: warlord ]
- Ichabod [ Author: Adam Ward (Gixter) ]
- Imp [ Author: Paul Interrante and Brad Grace ]
- Insect [ Author: Joe "Ebola" Woodrell ]
- Morbo/Brawn [ Author: Rowan Crawford (Sumaleth) ]
- Necromancer [ Author: Raven Software ]
- Necromicus [ Author: Jade Moffatt Jones ]
- Ogre [ Author: Didier 'The Doctor' Savanah ]
- Ogro [ Author: Michael 'Magarnigal' Mellor ]
- Orc [ Author: Boogieman ]
- Perelith Knight [ Author: James Green ]
- Phantom [ Author: Burnt Kona ]
- Purgatori [ Author: Tom Colby ]
- Rider [ Author: Blake ]
- Sorcerer [ Author: E. Villiers ]s
- Tentacle [ Author: Marcus Lutz ]
- Troll [ Author: Thargar ]
- Werewolf [ Author: Brian Yee ]
- Winter's Faerie [ Author: Evil Bastard ]
- Wraith [ Author: Burnt Kona ]