A Django pluggable to provide CookieControl support
Cookie Control is a mechanism for obtaining a user's explicit consent for the use of cookies on their computer.
It was created by Civic UK because recent legislation requires websites to obtain explicit consent before leaving behind or reading files (mostly cookies) on user's computers.
To find out more about Cookie Control please visit Civic's Cookie Control home page.
The functions you're most likely to want to call are
This app doesn't currently allow you to use the CookieControl callbacks directly, since that would end up tangling up too much JavaScript, but you can wrap things with those methods instead.
Go to http://civicuk.com/cookie-law/cookie_configuration_v5 to customise and download the latest version of Cookie Control. Put the javascript file in /cookiecontrol/static/cookiecontrol/js/cookieControl.js It's not included with this distribution due to having a conflicting license, and you probably want the latest version anyway, right?
{% load cookiecontrol %}
{% cookiecontrol %}
COOKIECONTROL_PRIVACY_URL - URL for your site's privacy policy COOKIECONTROL_COUNTRIES - a country like 'United Kingdom' or a list of countries (see official documentation)
COOKIECONTROL_SHAPE - 'triangle' or 'diamond' (defaults to triangle) COOKIECONTROL_POSITION - 'left' or 'right' (defaults to left) COOKIECONTROL_HIDE - boolean (defaults to False) COOKIECONTROL_HIDE_AFTER- time until widget disappears (seconds, defaults to 30) COOKIECONTROL_START_OPEN - boolean (defaults to False)
If COOKIECONTROL_HIDE is set to True, then the widget will not appear anymore after the user has consented.